A former state assemblyman will serve as the new chair of the University of California Board of Regents, according to a University press release July 8.

John Pérez, who was elected as the new chair by the board during its May meeting, will serve as chair of the board for one year. In that time, he will also serve as chair of the governance committee and a member of all other standing committees. The governance committee provides direction and oversight for the board.

Pérez was appointed to the board in 2014. He was previously elected to the California State Assembly in 2008 as a representative for Downtown Los Angeles and parts of East LA, and also served as the speaker of the Assembly from 2010 to 2014.

During his time in the California State Assembly, Pérez worked on issues such as ending California’s era of chronic budget deficits and making higher education more affordable and accessible for students, according to the UC.

Pérez also helped pass a modified version of the Middle Class Scholarship Act in 2013, which provided tuition relief to almost 100,000 California State University and UC students.

Pérez’s term started July 1.

Published by Julia Shapero

Shapero is an assistant News editor in the National News & Higher Education beat. She was previously a contributor for the National News & Higher Education beat. Shapero is a third-year political science student who enjoys covering national and statewide news.

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