The Court of Sciences Student Center was identified as a possible measles exposure site after a UCLA employee was confirmed to have contracted the disease, according to a campuswide email sent by Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael Beck on Tuesday.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health informed UCLA of the infected employee Monday.

The employee ate at a fast-food restaurant in the Court of Sciences Student Center on July 2 and 3 while contagious, according to the email.

Anyone who visited the Court of Sciences Student Center between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on July 2 and 3 is advised to verify immunization records and contact medical centers on campus, such as the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center, if a student and UCLA Occupational Health Services if an employee.

UCLA also identified several coworkers of the infected employee who may have been exposed. UCLA Occupational Health is currently verifying vaccination records for those employees.

There is no known current risk related to measles at the Court of Sciences Student Center at this time. This case is not related to the previous measles exposure at UCLA, according to a LADPH press release.

This is the 12th case of measles for residents of Los Angeles County this year. Most of the individuals who contracted the disease were unvaccinated, according to the press release.

Measles symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose and rash and typically occur 10 to 21 days after initial exposure, according to the press release.

Published by David Gray

Gray is the 2019-2020 News editor of the Daily Bruin. He was previously an assistant News editor and a reporter for the city and crime beat. He is also a third-year political science student at UCLA.

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  1. Jesus. It’s just the measles. What about uc abusive and illegal practices against its workers This is just smoke to distract the public away from their crimes.

    1. Abusive and illegal practices? What might they be, and what is your irrefutable proof? As for “just” the measles, you are really in your own world.

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  2. I agree it’s just the measles, and if the people who use the SCIENCE center are true to science and are vaccinated, there is just a faint wonder at people allowing themselves to be susceptible to medieval diseases.

      1. It should be ‘just’ the measles, if everyone is vaccinated like they all should be. Especially when people visit third world countries like Israel, why on earth would they not be vaccinated before they went there?

        But, I guess it’s like why people voted for Trump. A lot of ignorance, and people proud to be ignorant.

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