This post was updated June 1 at 11:21 p.m.

Two people died in a murder-suicide at UCLA’s Engineering IV building early Wednesday, police said.

The shooting took place in a small office around 10 a.m., said Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck at a press conference. Both the shooter and another person died at the scene.

Several news agencies reported William Klug, a UCLA mechanical and aerospace engineering professor, was killed in the shooting. Klug earned his master’s degree from UCLA in 1999 and led the Klug Research Group, which studies theoretical and computational biomechanics.

UCLA officials would not confirm the identity of the deceased. Beck said only the coroner’s office is authorized to release identifying information, and the LA County Coroner’s Office declined to release the information.

READ MORE: Full coverage of Wednesday’s campus lockdown, campus reactions

Officials said LAPD will continue to investigate the incident as a homicide. Beck said some officers reported evidence of a suicide note, but the note has not been confirmed.

The shooter, a male adult, was found dead with a gun. Officials said they could not release more information about the shooter’s identity.

The campuswide lockdown was lifted around noon, and most buildings reopened around 12:10 p.m. Officials instructed people to avoid Westwood Plaza.

Police began to let people into the Engineering IV building to reclaim their belongings at about 2 p.m. Officers said they would let students out of the building after they had cleared each floor.

UCLA officials canceled all Wednesday classes.

Classes in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science are canceled for the rest of the week, said Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Scott Waugh in a press conference. Other classes will resume Thursday, and all finals will continue as planned.


Elaheh Alizadehbirjandi, a graduate student in mechanical engineering, said she heard people yelling in the hallway when she arrived to work on the fourth floor of the Engineering IV building at about 9:40 a.m.

She said she heard people tell a man to drop his gun and turn himself in, and locked herself in her office.

Officials sent a Bruin Alert at about 9:50 a.m. to instruct students and faculty to stay in secure locations and lock buildings and classrooms.

LAPD Capt. Andy Neiman said the initial emergency call, which came shortly after 10 a.m., reported three shots heard with possible casualties. He added police prepared to respond to an isolated shooting, but a flood of additional callers prompted involvement from multiple law enforcement and emergency agencies in the area, including UCPD, LAPD, LA Fire Department, California Highway Patrol and the FBI.

Jenny Hu, a second-year financial and actuarial math student, said she was in a computer science lab on the second floor of the Mathematical Sciences building when she received the notification.

“It was a really tense moment, and nobody knew what to do,” she said. “We locked all the doors, shut off computer monitors and turned off the lights.”

READ MORE: Editorial: Campus murder-suicide reveals gaps in emergency preparedness

Duy Ngo, a fourth-year biochemistry student, said classmates tied a wire to the door to prevent people from entering their classroom in Young Hall. Ngo said about 10 armed police officers forced entry into the room without announcing their presence, so students were unsure whether they were shooters or police.

“I immediately put my hands up because I didn’t want to get shot at,” Ngo said.

Emily Erickson, a doctoral student in urban planning, was teaching in Perloff 1102 during the shooting. She said she wasn’t able to lock her classroom door without a key.

“I asked another student to come and try to help me physically barricade the door,” she said. “It was a relief when one of the maintenance women came to lock the door.”

A GoFundMe campaign was started to support Klug’s family. The undergraduate student government will host a candlelight vigil Thursday in Bruin Plaza at 8:30 p.m. to honor Klug.

Contributing reports from Julia McCarthy, Aalhad Patankar and Alejandra Reyes-Velarde, Daily Bruin senior staff, and Evolet Chiu and Benjamin Siu, Daily Bruin contributors.

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This post will be updated as more information becomes available.

Published by Roberto Luna Jr.

Roberto Luna Jr. is currently a senior staffer covering Westwood, crime and transportation. He was previously an assistant News editor from 2015-2016 and a News contributor from 2014-2015.

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  1. It is totally innapropriately to be turning this into a gun control/2nd Amendment debate at this early point. Have some human decency. 2 people were just reported killed.

    1. The “progressives” don’t wait for the bodies to even get cold before they start taking political advantage of such a crisis. Remember Newtown?

      They didn’t even wait for the crime scene to be cleared.

      I’m sure Obama and his lackeys will be crowing by the 5 o-clock news.

      1. It wasn’t “progressives” who “start[ed] taking political advantage of [this] crisis” by immediately posting pro-gun, anti-“gun-free zone” comments on this thread, although I notice that those comments have now been “deleted.” Were they yours, John?

        1. No, they weren’t.

          And the only one I posted which upset someone was the one starting out with “I hope and pray your friends are OK”. And they even removed the guy who expressed concern over his friends being in danger.

          And I quote myself “I hope and pray your friends are OK but they’d have a better chance if some of them were allowed to be armed. But instead they have to cower and wait for the cops to show because stupid laws don’t recognize a person’s right to self defense. Sorry, but truth is truth.”

          SO… go figure….

          1. And yet you continue to use this forum to lash out at progressives, liberals, leftists, Obama, gun control, etc.

          2. Maybe there’s a cause and effect going on here.

            The people you say I’m “lashing out at” are the ones making it impossible for the students in this situation to protect themselves. Interesting since I didn’t mention any of those groups/people you did – you are good at recognizing the ones creating these laws preventing self defense. Glad you can see who is responsible for that.

            Clearly the shooter is a nut case.

            Guess who’s side I’m on here? The students on that campus. The very people you say I’m lashing out at are the very people who are helping to keep them in jeopardy.

          3. First of all, your use of hyperbole isn’t persuasive. Not allowing everyone to carry firearms is not the same as it being “impossible” for them to protect themselves.

            Secondly, you have missed my point entirely, or are simply ignoring it. This is not an appropriate time to be debating this, whether you are conservative or progressive, especially if your style of debate (and I’m addressing you specifically here) is to simply deride and insult the people on the other side of the divide. “Obama & his lackeys?” Really? Again, show a little decency and compassion for the dead and their loved ones, and wait a day.

          4. You are entitled to your opinion.

            Just remember what you said at five o’clock when the fresh cries come up for more gun laws.

          5. @John, the problem is you’re coming on here to be hateful of other groups. It’s okay to have a political stance and address concerns, but you’re using this as a way to spam specific groups (totally pointless). What the heck is the point about “inside every liberal is a totalitarian”? That’s so off topic. To respond to that would mean steering the conversation into a totally different useless topic not having to do with the current situation. THAT’S HOW YOU’RE BEING DISRUPTIVE.

          6. I made that statement when I was attacked. I made the simple statement which again, I quote here:

            “I hope and pray your friends are OK but they’d have a better chance if some of them were allowed to be armed. But instead they have to cower and wait for the cops to show because stupid laws don’t recognize a person’s right to self defense. Sorry, but truth is truth.”

            And this statement was immediately attacked, quite viciously. I was called names, told to shut up, called racist, called a jerkwagon and a white cracker. I find it quite telling that THOSE comments were deleted, and mine were not.

            Now, tell me about disruptive?

      2. Hey John!
        Sean Hannity will have all the details tonight! Don’t miss it!
        Now…yer right! If only all those kids at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in December of 2014 had been packin’!
        Trump for Emperor!

        1. Typical.

          I am neither a Trump supporter nor a fan of Sean Hannity, nor of Fox news.

          Now if those kids at Sandy Hook had someone on campus charged with actually protecting that gun free zone, it might not have happened.

          No one ever said arm the kids – except you.

        2. @robinmblind:disqus, but IF ONLY, one of the TEACHERS had been armed. You wouldn’t have wanted that? You wouldn’t have wanted them to intervene? Prevented some deaths of children???? Really????

          1. No…right! I wouldn’t have ‘wanted that’. I am all the way in favor of the repeal of the Second Amendment…except if people want to have muzzle-loading musket rifles.
            Only people who have been certified-as-qualified to carry firearms should carry them. If you own (and carry) a gun, you’re FAR more likely to be shot yourself…or to shoot someone you did not intend to shoot. TV and movies make it look easy but accurate shooting is an acquired skill. Even veteran law enforcement officers will tell you that it’s hard to shoot straight (and to know whom TO shoot) in a (chaotic) emergency. Thank you for asking.

          2. Thankfully you’re not in charge of protecting our natural rights. I might suggest waking up to certain realities and stop living in a dreamed of world.

            Criminals don’t care what either of us want.

          3. Right! I’m a lousy shot! You would NOT want me protecting YOUR ‘natural rights’ !
            I say: leave the shooting to our police personnel ! Everyone else: leave your guns at home…please!
            Um…what are ‘natural rights’? Thank you for the advice about ‘understanding reality’.
            Oh and…I’m VERY sorry about Professor Klug. A big loss for the UCLA community.
            A senseless crime!

          4. Indeed, if you’re a lousy shot… you should either practice or leave it alone.

            When the police can be everywhere at once, then we’ll talk about leaving them at home. Had others been armed, they may have actually had a chance to protect themselves. To not do so is to abrogate your responsibility to yourself and others in protecting life, liberty and property from those who would deprive you of it – and actively work to do so, i.e. – criminals.

            Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable (i.e., rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws). Yeah, THOSE natural rights. We don’t get these rights from the Constitution, they are natural rights. The Constitution enshrines them by design.

            I too am saddened by senseless acts of violence. There indeed is a tremendous loss.

          5. Oh! Ya mean we get them thar ‘natural rights’ from God?
            That’s very nice of Him (Her?)!

          6. @robinmblind:disqus , then what was the point of the the comment about the Sandyhook kids packing. It implied that if guns had been legal, the situation still wouldn’t have come out better.

            Also, you don’t need to be a great shot in order to intervene. I guarantee you if a shooter hears gunfire behind him, he’s not going to ignore it and keep on walking (most of these people aren’t stone cold special forces immune to fear….they’ll get a fight/flight response too). And WHAT IF the teacher who stands up to him ends up getting killed? That’s his right to make the choice to still try and distract the active shooter) who would otherwise be actively killing others?

          7. Progressives do NOT care about children. The left does NOT care about children. They only care about using them to achieve their political end.

          8. @Teknikid:disqus, I can’t possibly take that as a serious comment. Again, people going off-topic to whine about left versus right (is this like therapy for people?), muddying up a discussion about an important issue. If someone were to then challenge your statement, we could sit here for ever arguing that. There’s so little use in slamming each side instead of talking about the specifics of an issue.

          9. @Teknikid:disqus, but as soon as you generalize like that, you know what you’re writing is immediately wrong. I’m not getting into left vs right, because it’s worthless/pointless debate right now, but when you can’t realize WHY the opposing side is doing something, then you’re not well-informed. I’ve heard similar arguments about conservatives, but those making those statements are also wrong. This is why no progress can be made…if people can’t comprehend things above the this level, we’re kind of doomed.

      3. “The “progressives” don’t wait for the bodies to even get cold before they start taking political advantage of such a crisis.” John, have you noticed that conservatives don’t like to talk about these events vis a vis gun control “too soon” yet don’t address the issue later because it’s “old news”. John, when IS the right time to discuss this issue?

        1. Brother,

          We’ve been discussing the issue for years. No one, but NO ONE is saying there isn’t a problem. The problem is a people problem.

          Everyone wants a solution, and I mean everyone. But the only solutions that the leftists and “progressives” propose is either registration (completely ineffective), “common sense background checks” (which we already have) or confiscation (not going to happen – unconstitutional AND impossible.)

          “Common sense background checks” are already being run every day. To require private sales to go through a NICS check is a “great idea”… but I ask you: Which criminal will do that? None of them will. And straw purchases are already a felony.

          I’m all for any kind of system that meets TWO distinct requirements:

          1) Prevents mental people from owning guns
          2) Does NOT create a registry

          The very second that can be accomplished, I’m all in. I will throw my support behind it unconditionally. But NO ONE has come up with a system which does these two things. Nor is it possible. And a registry – again – is not only illegal (by LAW – FOPA 1986) it is completely useless. Only the law-abiding will follow the law by definition. You think a criminal cares about breaking a registry law? Nope….

          And most importantly, it is completely impossible to legislate morality. When we can do that, all our problems are over.

          Punishing or curtailing the rights of MILLIONS of law-abiding because of the 0.0003 percent of the criminal element is not the answer. And every time that’s been done, it always ends badly.

          1. Well the registry law shouldn’t be an issue, because the idea is to create new laws that replace the old ones. The issue should be whether a registry will help or not. Also, there are a lot of “holes” in the background checks laws and actually carrying out of hem, so it’s reasonable to want to address those issues (that’s one of the things Obama was going for after the last shooting…fixing those holes).

          2. A registry will not work. Please explain to me how it would. And there is NO reason for the government to know which firearms I own. None at all.

            We can start fixing those “holes” by taking a closer look at the mental health issues in this country.

          3. @John, why the heck would I explain to you why the registry would work? I never made a statement for or against it. It’s just something you brought up and then discounted and made it one of the criteria for something the solution isn’t allowed to include, based on the faulty logic that it can’t be included because of an old law.

            I don’t know anything about a registry…just calling you out on the logic. When it’s a major issue like this, old laws can be revisited.

          4. That’s because leftists always support a registry. And not one of them can explain how it would stop criminals. And as usual the left pontificates about things they know nothing about.

          5. @MGDave:disqus, I was very specific with my wording. I called you out on a faulty premise of logic. I did not make any statements about the usefulness of a registry. You make it seem like I’m running my mouth on something I know nothing about. I specifically didn’t comment on anything to do with usefulness of a registry. It’s normal to not know about certain topics and thus not have a strong opinion on it, BUT to still want those explaining things to do so with logic/reason.

            The second part of your message is also off-topic, non-sequitur. I haven’t made any stance for moving to scrap any law, INCLUDING anti-registry laws….simply that laws can be revised, so it shouldn’t be used to impede a change. That change still has to hold up as being valid and stand on its own accord, of course. If it’s not valid, then don’t change it…but can’t hide behind the fact that a previous law is already in place (like you said earlier, it makes it harder to change of course, but if the dilemma is serious enough, it should be considered/evaluated…even if ultimately dismissed due not being a great solution).

          6. You certainly come off sounding like you want laws changed. That’s why I responded as I did.

            And once a law is put on the books, it is nearly impossible to get it removed or changed.

            If you don’t, then no problem.

          7. Dude was wacko, if it wasn’t a gun it likely would have been a knife or a car or a axe or whatever….quit focusing on guns and start focusing on “wacko”.

          8. @disqus_pz7KO9jnq3:disqus, explain when I focused on guns? The closest I’ve come is asking if anyone could explain the logic of a Gun Free Zone, because I don’t think they make sense. I also called someone out who spoke on the topic of registries, saying they weren’t an option because of an old law, since laws can be changed (though I don’t see how a registry would prevent shootings….but I didn’t even get into that topic because I don’t know much on it).

            And as far as wacko…that’s also a huge issue. I agree. How do you stop people from being wacko? The UCLA area is saturated with wackos…homeless people talking to themselves, or yelling at you for imaginary things. Lock them all up in a big prison somewhere?

          9. what I really meant… would be more productive if we quit focusing on guns and start focusing on “wacko”.

          10. Registries are forbidden by an old law.

            Even with the removal of that registry ban, registries only apply to those who will follow the law. Criminals won’t.

            This is why registries won’t work. This is apparently what I didn’t make clear.

            We cannot legislate morality or individual actions. We can only hope to address wackos via the mental health system – which we are not currently doing.

      4. Just like right wingers can’t wait to start moralizing immediately after every terrorist attack.

      5. John, are you going to be checking this page days/weeks from now?
        People aren’t interested in getting into longer discussions about this weeks later.
        This is a platform where people affected by the incidents have high web traffic, but only for a few days.

    2. The “progressives” don’t wait for the bodies to even get cold before they start taking political advantage of such a crisis. Remember Newtown?

      They didn’t even wait for the crime scene to be cleared.

      I’m sure Obama and his lackeys will be crowing by the 5 o-clock news.

    3. Statistically 31 people are murdered every day in the US by firearms. With these 2 killed, there are 29 more people that will be murdered today. Exactly how many days should we wait to have the debate knowing that more than two dozen will die each day we wait?

      1. It more like 22-25 murdered by a firearm per day. That means you have a 0.00000007812% chance of being a victim of a murder by firearm each day. On another note roughly 3,315 babies are killed in abortion clinics everyday in the US.

      2. Take your whining to ” gun free” Democrat led Chicago. Tell the gangs there to disarm themselves.

        1. We wouldn’t want to take away people’s guns now would we. That’d be horrible an un-American. Maybe if those firearms were registered … nope, can’t do that either. Well what if we tried to educate those people so they didn’t have to turn to a life of crime? Nope, no funding for that, the 1 percent need tax breaks to by yachts. Well what about …

          1. What day of the year is Doug Day? Is there any sort of special celebration or ceremony?

          2. If citizens are forced to register their guns then we will lose our protection against an overbearing government. Look to UK and Western Europe to see how defenseless their citizens are. Everyone legal and illegal as an opportunity for an education. NO ONE is denied an education. They CHOSE not to take advantage of this gift from U.S. taxpayers. Perhaps you should approach 1%ers such as Harvey Weinstein, George Clooney, Michael Moore, Tom Hanks, Ronny Howard, Barbara Streisand, Leonardo Dicaprio, Stephen Spielberg, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelois, Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Bill Gates and a host of others to write a check to help their fellow Americans. Certainly they don’t need the tax breaks for another yacht.

    4. As speak, Obama and the press is actively campaigning on live TV for gun control. The bodies are not even cold yet. I remind you of your own words here:

      “It is totally inappropriate to be turning this into a gun control/2nd Amendment debate at this early point. Have some human decency. 2 people were just reported killed.”

      But of course, it’s all the fault of the gun and/or Islamophobia.

      1. Typical rightwing fascist– No class, and your solution to everything is to kill everyone in a shootout at the OK Corral.

        Please stop replying to me. I’m not interested in debating you, and I suspect you have no connection to UCLA and are just a gun fanatic troll who spends his time googling for articles about shootings so you can spout your pro-gun bullshit. This is my last post on this now – dated article. If it means so much to you to have the last word, knock yourself out, but no one will be impressed. It will just come off as pathetic and prove I was right about you.

        1. Yep. “fascist”.

          That’s the non-thinking, cool-aid drinking response to anything that threatens your politically correct and distorted view of the world.

          No wonder you are living in a brainwashing house.

  2. It is totally innapropriately to be turning this into a gun control/2nd Amendment debate at this early point. Have some human decency. 2 people were just reported killed.

  3. Please shut up – all the evidence says otherwise. More guns = more death, it’s not only as obvious and common-sensical as can be, it is backed up by all the data. Shut up.

    1. Typical. Don’t like what’s not in the leftist narrative and the leftist totalitarian jumps right out to suppress.

      And people wonder why so many don’t trust or believe leftists.

      If you look at the evidence by the FBI, you’ll find differently. If “more guns=more death”, please explain how right-to-carry states have decreasing crime rates? Why didn’t these states become the “wild west” as all the leftist pundits predicted?

      But don’t let facts get in the way of a good leftist narrative.

      1. Here’s the data. A study completed by the American Enterprise Institute found the in 1993 there were .94 guns per person in the US and the murder rate by firearm was 7.0 per 100,000. As of 2014 when the study was done there were 1.45 guns per person and the murder rate per 100,000 was at 3.6. That’s a 56% increase in the number of guns and a 49% decrease in the murder rate.

  4. Please shut up – all the evidence says otherwise. More guns = more death, it’s not only as obvious and common-sensical as can be, it is backed up by all the data. Shut up.

    1. Thanks. It identifies the shooter-suspect as a “white male”, but the person identified as the subject appears to be a very brown person of asian descent. Could there be some sort of strange bias there?

  5. Young people are dead. They got up and went to class this morning and are now DEAD. Will you mentally ill gun and race baiting trolls please S…….. TF……… U!

    1. Where is all this sentiment when dozens of inner-city gang bangers kill each other in cities like Chicago every day?

      1. You don’t care about blacks. Go back to your imaginary white male victimhood and step up to rescue another charming white male. You can start by packing a blanket and some warm milk for this latest young example of perfect young white masculinity who MURDERED several OTHER WHITES today… you vulgar, ugly, stupid beast.

        1. Learn to read. I said I’m on the side of the students. I also said the shooter was a nut case. But apparently this escapes you. And I don’t know the color of the shooter or the victim.

          Yep. As is typical of leftists, you know nothing about me or my color and immediately start angry name calling when you’re exposed. Where’s your compassion at the dozens of youth killed every day in gang violence? Hmmm… seems wanting.

          You’re angry name-calling is the mark of an empty argument. Which makes sense since you didn’t actually HAVE an argument.

          1. I’m a Republican, and you do not represent us. Probably a “progressive” out to smear us and make us all sound like animals. You failed, jerkwagon. You’re barely above primate level with these hideous comments. Americans of all political stripes, as a Republican I apologize for this jerk. We’re NOT all like this and I frankly doubt he’s even one of us. Just a lonely cvck troll out to get attention and probably quite a lot like the cretin who murdered these kids this morning.

            And spare us whatever drivel you’re typing.

          2. Thanks Pliny, you rest my case.

            Just keep blindly spitting venom and avoiding the discussion… how’s that working out for ya?

          3. I see you blissfully ignore the latest Obama “standing in the blood” remarks after the Orlando terrorist attacks.

            Must suck to be a hypocrite.

    2. One young person, a wacko, is dead. One prof is dead. The gun didn’t get up and go to class… a twisted, vengeful person did.

    3. One young person, a wacko, is dead. One prof is dead. The gun didn’t get up and go to class… a twisted, vengeful person did.

    4. One young person, a wacko, is dead. One prof is dead. The gun didn’t get up and go to class… a twisted, vengeful person did.

  6. Don’t let them search you. You are not obligated to let them. ESPECIALLY after they declared the scene safe…

  7. It is a very unfortunate and sad incident. However it must get no special attention merely because it was on a college campus. Homicide and suicide are always tragic, no matter if they are in LA, small town USA, or the inner city of Chicago.
    Thankfully, violent crime has declined steadily in the U.S. since the 1990’s.

  8. Wait for the name and background of the shooter to be revealed before formulating which gun control regime to put in place.

  9. this body count is nothing compared to Rahm’s 63 shootings in Chicongo last weekend… and i thought this kind of stuff was impossible in areas with gun control?

  10. What a shame. UCLA administration sweeped the problem under the carpet AGAIN!!!!!

    1. Yes, they did. I’m looking for the racial apology to whites, but I think racial sensitivity is only for non-whites…

    2. Yes, they did. I’m looking for the racial apology to whites, but I think racial sensitivity is only for non-whites…

    3. Yes, they did. I’m looking for the racial apology to whites, but I think racial sensitivity is only for non-whites…

  11. Yet another instance where an international graduate student was driven to depression and probably academic abuse (10 years for PhD, seriously?). It is important to look into the schooling system in US universities where advisers taking advantage of international graduate students should be identified and chucked out.

    1. @disqus_UL2RS6xGx8:disqus How do you know this was the situation. The fact that he killed his wife/ex/whatever prior to the professors at least implies that he was mentally unstable and perhaps he was in the wrong about the PhD/dissertation issue. Or do you just like to blame the system because it makes you feel better (and makes you feel like you’re addressing a separate legitimate issue that you have a connection to)

      1. Even you don’t know what was the exact situation, but that did not stop you from providing your assessment. People come here to give their views on all angles of the news. I gave my opinion, and I really don’t have to explain it to you.

        1. @disqus_UL2RS6xGx8:disqus, You have to back up your opinion somehow, not just throw around accusations like you know what really happened. You said I provided my assessment, but all I did was provide EVIDENCE that your assessment wasn’t necessarily true (without providing my own conclusion). I didn’t come in here and say he was crazy and all his fault, just that there’s evidence implying you might be wrong.

          You gave your opinion as fact and it’s just fine to be called out on it, when it’s just made up in your mind.

  12. Yet another instance where an international graduate student was driven to depression and probably academic abuse (10 years for PhD, seriously?). It is important to look into the schooling system in US universities where advisers taking advantage of international graduate students should be identified and chucked out.

  13. Yet another instance where an international graduate student was driven to depression and probably academic abuse (10 years for PhD, seriously?). It is important to look into the schooling system in US universities where advisers taking advantage of international graduate students should be identified and chucked out.

  14. Not only was the race of the shooter irrelevant at this early stage, but the Daily Bruin incorrectly stated he was white. I am sure an apology will be forthcoming.

  15. Has the Daily Bruin issued a correction for incorrectly calling the killer a “white male?”

  16. “Shooter is described as a white male about 6 feet tall, according to sources.” The male turned out to be a brown guy with a middle-eastern first and last name. Who are your “sources,” Daily Bruin, and why did you lie about the shooter being white? Could it be that you tried to make it fit your “Muslims are peaceful and white guys suck” narrative? His Twitter account was changed, hours after the shooting, from Muslim to Hindu.

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