Some students and LET’S ACT! supporters are calling a video that surfaced Wednesday homophobic because it showed a Bruins United candidate parodying her opponent’s campaign video.

Ruhi Patil, a Bruins United candidate for Undergraduate Students Association Council Financial Supports commissioner, danced in the video, mimicking her opponent’s choreographed dance from a promotional recording encouraging students to vote for him and his slate.

LET’S ACT! candidate Erineo Garcia, who identifies as queer, is the only other candidate for the position.

Many slate supporters shared Garcia’s video on Facebook last week. The controversial parody shows Patil wearing feminine clothing and dancing to the same song used in Garcia’s campaign video.

Garcia said he felt the recording of Patil targeted him and his slate in a personal way.

“I think it’s very homophobic in relation to my dancing and in relation to my clothing,” Garcia said.

Patil said she does not think the video is homophobic, but because some people perceive it to be she said she has to take responsibility for the negative interpretation of the video. She apologized for offending students.

“I hope that I can be judged holistically as a candidate,” she said. “This video is neither an accurate representation of me or the Bruins United candidates.”

Chris Cabrera, director of Queer Alliance, a member of LET’S ACT! and a fifth-year political science student, said he thought the video was homophobic even if it wasn’t Patil’s intention.

“She was mocking (Garcia’s) mannerisms and mocking his femininity,” he said. “That’s something people in the (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community get bullied for in school constantly.”

Voting for the USAC election will end Friday afternoon.

Contributing reports by Sylvia Lutze, Bruin contributor.

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  1. Obviously she shouldn’t have made that video or mocked Erineo like that. But she wore “feminine clothing” and danced in a “feminine way” because she’s a woman! How is wearing shorts and a tank top (something she probably wore all day) supposed to be upsetting?? Instead of focusing on the dancing, the song, and all the giggles coming from the girl recording the video, this article decided to focus on Ruhi acting “feminine”

  2. Homophobia, I can’t speak on that because I’m not from the LGBT community. But rude? I can definitely say that. This was so incredibly immature of her, and it makes me think that she’s going to be immature and petty on the council table. I’m glad she showed her true colors though. This is why I’m not voting for her.

  3. Jesus christ. Will the victim mentality ever end? A woman wearing “feminist” clothing? The horror!!

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