This post was updated on July 14 at 8:02 p.m.

A Department of Homeland Security officer fired a shot at four pro-Palestinian counter-protesters in a truck during a pro-Israel rally in Westwood early Sunday evening.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lieutenant William Nash said at the scene later Sunday night that a confrontation between passengers in two vehicles, one supporting Israel and another supporting Palestine, had evolved into a physical altercation.

The Department of Homeland Security officer observed it and tried to stop the conflict, leading to gunfire, Nash said.

The shooting took place around 5:45 p.m. near the Federal Building on Wilshire Boulevard, Nash said. He added no one was hurt and the Sheriff’s Department is investigating the incident, although a pro-Palestine counter-protester showed the Daily Bruin an injury on his leg he said he received during the protest.

Four pro-Palestine counter-protesters were arrested Sunday night and booked at the Sheriff’s Department’s West Hollywood station for unknown charges. Their names were not immediately available. The officer who fired a gun was not arrested, Nash said.

The incident occurred after hundreds of protesters gathered in two separate rallies in Westwood over the weekend to address the Israel-Palestine conflict in response to both sides exchanging fire in recent days.

A few hundred pro-Palestine demonstrators marched through Westwood Saturday afternoon to protest recent Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the resulting civilian casualties. The following day, more than a thousand pro-Israel demonstrators picketed in front of the Federal Building in Westwood Sunday afternoon to urge Hamas to stop launching rockets into Israel.

Israel has been launching air strikes, missiles and ground troops while Hamas, which is considered by the U.S. to be a terrorist organization and has governed the Gaza Strip for the last few years, has been launching rockets into Israel since early July. The most recent attacks from Israel began after three Israeli teenagers were abducted and killed last month in the West Bank. Last week, a Palestinian teenager was kidnapped and killed by suspected Jewish extremists, reportedly as a form of revenge, further fueling the conflict.

As of Monday, more than 180 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict, a majority of whom were civilians. About 1,400 Palestinians have been injured. Meanwhile, Israel’s missile defense system, known as the “Iron Dome,” has been able to intercept many of the rocket strikes launched by Hamas, and to date no Israeli casualties have been reported. Still, several Israeli citizens were injured by the attacks.

Some protesters on Saturday said they think Israeli air strikes targeted Palestinian civilians who had no involvement in the kidnapping.

“I condemn the killing (of Israeli teenagers), but what is the point of killing innocent children and women who have never done anything?” said Rasha Howlader, a fourth-year electrical engineering student and member of Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA.

Howlader said she sees the conflict as a human rights issue and that it was a gut reaction for her to protest.

Many protesters on Saturday held up pictures of Palestinian children injured by the bombings, along with Palestinian flags and picket signs.

“Our grandparents had their home taken away and occupied by the Israeli settlement,” said Jordan Carnaggino, who came from her home in Irvine to participate. “They were told (by the Israeli government) they had a day to get out of their home.”

Carnaggino, whose mother is Palestinian, said most of her family members have had to leave Palestine in recent years because it has become too dangerous for them to live there.

On Sunday more than a thousand protesters, many holding Israeli flags, stood on the corner of Wilshire and Veteran Boulevards as passing cars honked to show their support.

A small counter-protest across the street, attended by about a hundred supporters of Palestine, also took place on one of the street corners.

Ariella Benji, a fourth-year psychology student who attended the Sunday protest, said she came to show support for Israel’s right to protect itself.

“The conflict scares me on a personal level,” Benji said. “(And the) kidnapping was a tipping point.”

James Chavez, a fourth-year student at California State University, Northridge, said he came because he has relatives in Israel and he thinks there are misconceptions about Israel. He said he thinks Israel is not trying to attack Palestinian civilians like many claim.

“Israel is attacking Palestine’s militants and Palestine is attacking Israeli citizens,” he said. “I care about the death toll, but the intention also matters.”

No further protests have been planned for the Westwood area.

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  1. Many UCLA students will be participating in the Pro-Israel rally today in Westwood. Will DB cover that as well or do we only get the Pro-Palestine perspective?

      1. yeah I believe they forgot to mention several hundred Hamas missiles that were fired at Israeli civilians which caused Israel to respond LOL

  2. I was at the protest today and the gunfire was between PALESTINIAN supporters and HOMELAND SECURITY, it had nothing to do with pro-israel supporters. If you want to report, please report honestly. This is ridiculous, this is no where near honest journalism. Journalism needs to present both sides of the story, not just portray what they want the public to see.
    You are misleading the public. shame on you.
    FYI Israel is defending herself against Hamas which openly states that is is a TERRORIST organization. Remember SEPTEMBER 11?!?! They are not just against Jews and Israel, they are again America and all westerners too. We need to open out eyes and stop Hamas before it is too late. Israel is on the front line fighting the war on terror on behalf of the world and we need to support.
    *** Hamas, a terrorist organization, hides behind civilians while Israel is trying to protect its civilians. Israel is going out of its way to prevent further Palestinian casualties by distributing leaflets detailing where there will be an air strike to disable terrorist arsenals. While at the same time Hamas tells the same people to stay put, thereby endangering the palestinians.***
    ISRAEL WANTS PEACE HAMAS WANTS WAR> they are the ones that started pouring rockets on Israel. Why has that information been neglected? HAMAS USES ITS OWN PEOPLE AS HUMAN SHIELDS! Why are you trying to defend them? My heart aches for the Palestinian people who are also suffering at the hands of Hamas.
    Your report is completely biased. You are promoting such behavior. I am ashamed that UCLA would publish such a thing.

  3. When your country is occupied by an enemy, you have the right to do whatever it takes to make them leave.
    Did you all cheer for the terrorist “Wolverines” in “Red Dawn”?

    The Israelis treat the Palestinians the same way the Nazis treated the Jews.

    1. To compare the current situation in Israel/Gaza to Nazi Germany is a dishonor to the 11 million people who were slaughtered during World War II. Think before you make slanderous comments.

  4. So, as I hear, some guys in a truck with Palestinian flags were attacked by a mob who destroyed the flags, damaged the truck and tried to drag the men out for a good beating.
    They defended themselves with the sticks that had held the flags and they were shot at by DHS and arrested on unspecified charges.
    So, now DHS is attending protests and taking sides?
    It is a microcosm of the real situation where Israel can do no wrong and the Palestinians are always punished.

    1. That is not what the official reports or witnesses said. That is what one guy with the pole said happened so that he could hopefully escape jail time. Obviously, he is going to deflect blame from himself.

  5. Having spoken to each of the authors of this article, I am disappointed by the one-sidedness and blatant disregard for honest reporting. The title of this article itself shows the lack of integrity of this publication. It is so sad that protests that each could have been so powerful and so positive have been turned into a battle of who said what. I was at the rally and it was peaceful – up until that point. All gun activity was done only by a Palestinian supporter and a police officer. To associate any Israel supporter with this situation is false and erroneous.

    In the future, please try to be more open-minded and sensitive when attempting at writing about conflicts which are so important to our campus.

    Oh and also to address the factual inconsistencies — if you aren’t going to fully disclose all the information in your article, I will happily share them here:
    1) Operation Protective Edge was initiated following the abduction and murder of three innocent Israeli teenagers (who have names: Eyal, Naftali and Gilad) AND following the incessant barrage of over 100 rockets from Gaza at innocent civilians in Israel.

    2) The reason for the disproportionate number of casualties is simple: Israel has been forced to create a infrastructure of bomb shelters and missile defense systems to protect their citizens — which is something the newly unified Palestinian government of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority has failed to do. Israel has time and time again shown its commitment to insuring the safety of its citizens, whereas Hamas has encouraged their citizens to stand on the roofs of rocket launch sites located in residential areas, areas which the IDF has warned the Gazans are targets , to die for their people as martyrs. Hamas values Israeli death more than they value Palestinian life. If they really cared for their people the way they claim to, they would a) stop firing rockets at Israel and b) provide for the safety of their people.

    3) The truth of the matter is, this conflict is not Israel vs. Palestine, nor is it Israelis vs. Palestinians. This conflict is Israel vs. Hamas. And unfortunately, Hamas has pulled innocent Palestinians into the range of fire, forcing them to serve as human shields. My heart breaks for the Palestinians and Israelis who are suffering at the hands of Hamas. Hamas is just as toxic to the Palestinians as they are to the Israelis, if not more. If we truly want to achieve anything close to a meaningful and everlasting peace, Hamas must not be allowed to be part of the equation.

    It is for the reasons stated above that I once again say: #IStandWithIsrael and #IStandWithPalestine. #FreeIsraelandGazaFromHamas.

  6. What a nonsensical pro Palestinian perspective. Hardly journalism at all. I hope there are further monetary cuts to the UC system. It is pathetic and a waste of our tax dollars.

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