WATCH LIVE: USAC discusses divestment resolution

Editor’s note: Because of the offensive nature of discussion around these videos, commenting has been closed.

Watch Tuesday night’s USAC meeting, where the council will discuss a proposed resolution that asks the University of California to divest from specific companies that the resolution claims are complicit in the human rights abuses of Palestinians.

Read more about the resolution and student response here.

(Note: Slight time delay in live stream footage.)

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      1. Sarah, I’d wager you cannot even locate Israel on a map, yet you are a “from the river to the sea” fanatic.

      2. lmao , perhaps if the bdsers could quit telling lies you would have a point, but the facts simply dont support your position. supporting bds is supporting bigotry

        1. Yes and Mandela was stupid and racist so was Martin Luther King, right? Please, finish your sentence…We want APARTHEID in South Africa and segregation in US of A! (sarcasm)

          1. that was a ridiculous comment , but it demonstrates why people like you shouldnt be allowed near bleach or sharp objects

    1. I did not hear one racist remark from the divesters, I did hear a lot of hate speech from the zionists who claimed that we are barbarians and extremist muslims.

  1. When USAC votes, they are not just representing the UCLA community and enacting change on campus — they are making a statement that reaches far beyond the campus, given UCLA’s high institutional ranking and large influence. If this resolution passes, a public university will not only target and successfully alienate an entire group of students, but also project an anti-Semitic image to the world. What a shame.

    1. I agree. I would also like to add that UCLA Indus does not represent the ideas or beliefs of a majority of the Indian community, which along with the Israeli community, suffers repeated vile Islamic terrorist attacks.

      1. Are you referring to Kashmir? Even Hindu Kashmiris want to stay away from India! I understand the power of globalization which causes you to tie events that have nothing in common but you are referring to Kashmir (not Israel/ Palestine) and terrorism in that region. India is just as responsible for as is Pakistan. Remember, it takes two parties to tango…cant solo-tango. Nevertheless, separate issue…terrorism in India has nothing to do with BDS!

        If you were writing a paper, you would receive an F for leaving the subject at hand . 😉

        1. Hindu Kasmiris want to stay from India? That is not true. They want to live in areas in India other than Kashmir because they know if they go back to their homeland of Kashmir, they will be killed by their fanatic Muslim neighbors (who would be supported by people like you).

    2. So what kind of image are they presenting now? By failing to vote for divestment, USAC is implicitly espousing support for corporations that profit from human rights abuses and therefore “projecting” an anti-Palistine image to the world. Please don’t pretend like investment in these five AMERICAN companies is politically neutral, and please don’t conflate autonomy over our own tuition dollars as anti-Semitic. How can anyone think that divestment is “picking a side” while thinking that NOT divesting is not. Ridiculous.

    1. Right, go back to the place where you were oppressed more, you scum. How dare you try to enter a place in order to have better opportunities in a country that prides itself on equality.

      1. Never said you couldn’t enter this country, but when you complain about not being able to cross the border because not being allowed to get a passport, you think you’re better than everyone else. NO ONE is allowed to cross borders unless they have a pass port. I’m all for people becoming legal citizens and making the process easier. But because you are expected to follow the rules of every other American citizen, while being able to avoid taxes, you are NOT oppressed for those matters.

        1. A comprehensive system would make that possible, but that isn’t the reality of the situation, especially when you have elderly who have worked for unfair pay out of desperation for better opportunities who die here without ever being recognized as United State citizens. It’s impossible to avoid taxes in all forms, even as an undocumented person, believe it or not. But this thread is about Divestment.

          1. I get that, but you brought up oppression of a Latino speakers family as being something that is considered unequal to the expectations of others. Either way, anti-BDS, anti-Divestment.

      2. You sound like an oxymoron. If your country (I’m assuming prides itself on equality) why wouldn’t it allow this so called “Scum” to enter it’s country. I thought it was about equality? By the way maybe try to refrain yourself from calling other people scum=> it makes it easier to dehumanize them and makes you sound even more wrong.

    1. Because in our sick, immoral culture (not just in America), looking cool is the most important thing in life. It looks cool to be Anti-Israel, so hence lots of people are Anti-Israel.

      1. How is that an explanation for supporting BDS? Seriously? Are you a college student? No excuse for a 4th grade response! I say, shame on you!

    1. The Jews were there in 1850 BCE. Muslims in like 700 CE. Thats about 2,500 years that the Muslims were late for the party.

      1. Funny. Hindus were in Kashmir, (Kashmir is a Sanskrit word describing the Hindu priest Kashyap) long before Islam was even created. Hinduism is in fact the world’s oldest religion. It arrived way before Islam arrived. But in the last 100 years, Muslims killed all the Hindus in Kashmir, and now are claiming it to be their own land. They expect India to just let go of it.

        1. Wrong region my Indian friend. Frankly, your argument is boring and I am pretty sure that you have never immersed yourself in classes outside tech/science which is why you are coming up with this idiotic comparisons.

          1. And I assume you are racist for assuming that I have never immersed myself in classes outside of tech/science.

          2. Racist, please do tell. I bet we are the same “race.” Good to know you can see through my PC (not a mac user).

        1. The Jews, had the organization, resources, enough people, and guts to take it back. The Native Americans cant.
          Let someone try….the land is controlled by who is powerful. Either original owner who reclaimed it (the Jews) or the Arabs who invaded it.

  2. For the pro-BDS, pro-Divestment people out there…just so you are ready for me in a few years time- I order a medium sized coke, large fries.

  3. When is a pro BDSers gonna mention Barghouti’s call for the return of 5.5 million (3rd generation) Palestinian refugees? Would really like to hear how that’s gonna bring peace to the region.

    1. The proof of achieving peace by introducing a mostly Muslim population into a location is Europe. Look how successful and peaceful Europe has become after laying out the welcome mat for tens of millions of Muslim immigrants? 🙂

  4. The Hebrew House of Shaul, whose parentage includes Cyrus the Great and Darius, stands firmly behind the anti-Divestment bloc.

  5. If hypothetically BDS succeeds on a grand scale, and its goals are accomplished, international companies will fear to provide any services or resources to Israel. Israel’s economy will be entirely composed of an internal infrastructure will no outsourcing. Israel will not be able to survive. The citizens of Israel will be starved of resources and will not survive, palestinians and Israeli’s alike. Is this not what your resolution accuses Israel of doing to Palestinians currently? Enjoy supporting an effort to starve a countries economy and destroy its people… thats what I call a human rights violation.

    Divestment should not even be discussed until pro-divestment speakers stop using reactionary, untrue language such as “apartheid state”.

    1. I wonder if you supported sanction on Iran. Do you think that worked or works? Hmmm…makes me wonder if BDS has the same intention.

  6. Dear anti-divestment supporters,
    this isnt anti-semantic this isnt anti-semantic this isnt anti-semantic this isnt anti-semantic this isnt anti-semantic this isnt anti-semantic.

    1. Son, you don’t have an education do you? Unfortunate boy, madrassah is a rather poor substitute for real learning. Lots of bache bazi going on too, huh?
      “Semitic”. Not “Semantic”.

          1. If you’ve managed to see my mockery, perhaps you yourself are unsure what it really is…then again, BDS people usually have no idea what “social justice”, “accountability” is, etc

          2. I thank you for bearing with me this long. Usually before I get going, a member of SJP, or its ally organization such as Mecha, will try to talk me down by calling me “Machista chauvinist pig” or something like that. For using the word “boy”, “dude”, or something of that sort. This is really not even a wise tactice, actually, I’m not sure what it is. Just a way to side-step and waste time.

  7. Long before BDS brings Israel to its knees, it will utterly ruin the economy of the Arabs, who are tied with the fate of the economy of Israel. Like it or not, it is the truth. BDS will fail, ultimately. Takbir, allahukbar!

  8. Down with Khamenei, Down with Rouhani, Down with the Islamic Republic.
    Long live Reza Shah, Long live Kourosh Shah. Freedom for Iran and may there be an Iran-Israel alliance. We are tired of living under Islamic theocracy….6,000 years of PERSIAN history has been discarded by thieving, terrorist, rapist, hypocritical psychopaths with turbans and beards. Mullahs of Iran are not Persian, they are Arab Muslims. Free Iran, Free Kurdistan, Free Israel from Islamic Occupation.

    1. You are absolutely right. The Zoroastrian community which was the predominant community in Iran before Muslim invaders came, had to flee Iran and come to India to live with the most tolerant group of people in the world: The Hindus. The Zoroastrian community is peacefully living in India without the threat of persecution.

  9. ממלאים לכם את הראש בשטויות, בשקרים ובאינפורמציה מוטעת בכוונה תחילה. עם ישראל חי וקיים לעולם ועד..ואין גדבר כזה שניקרא פלסטינים…עוד יגיע העם שאתם תכו על חטא בגלל האטימות שלכם

    1. Why are you so angry? Do you not care about human lives? I am sorry that your beloved shah was kicked out, but that does not mean you can kill innocent people.

      If you don’t want to trust me because you think I am an anti-semite then look at the works of human right organizations such as Amnesty International or the Goldstein Report. Look at what the U.N. has to say about Israel. Are you going to tell me that the whole world is racist? We are angry at the oppression, not about your ethnicity.

      WIth much love.


    1. That’s why theres not many Jews there, you see. They are off studying for bio, engineering, bioengineering, etc. The Muslims and BDS losers are “social justice” and “ethnic studies”…not much studying in those majors.

      1. Darius,
        You should really tone it down. It’s hard to separate this BDS issue from full on hate (in this case from Jewish individuals to others) when you say things like this.

        Clearly you have a strong opinion on this, which is great, but all you’re doing is making anti-BDS individuals look bad, and honestly, you sound bitter and like a moron.

  10. Does the resolution have written it that it supports two states for two people as the best solution for the conflict?

    Isn’t this whole resolution debate going to end up being meaningless? Are the UC Regents going to change how they invest because of this resolution?
    The J Street guy seems pretty reasonable.

  11. Plenty of anti-BDS mention two-state solution and peace…the Pro BDS doesnt have any mention of that. Looks like they advocate the old ” let’s restore the India to Spain Islamic Caliphate” idea.

    1. A lot of people know what is going on and think BDS is not the way to resolve the conflict. The occupation must end. The best way to resolve the conflict is through a negotiated agreement where there would be two states for two people where a Palestinian homeland is created that would peacefully co-exist with Israel that serves as the homeland for the Jewish people and the refugees would return to the newly created state.

  12. bds hiding behind western education and eloquent language, all with the same motive that hamas has when sending rocket attacks to Israel to kill innocent people.

  13. Funny these guys do not care about Syria who in the past 1.5 years has killed 5,000 Palestinians and made about 200,000 homeless.
    Muslims killing and oppressing Muslims? Acceptable. Non-Muslims oppressing Muslims? Good god….NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    1. Why don’t people with all the passion try to get a resolution passed get a resolution that says something like we support the Clinton Parameters or the Geneva Initiative. The whole reason for the resolution seems to express grievances, not to anything that will be constructive or bring people together. I support the two state solution and the BDS movement doesn’t and that is a problem because two state for two people is the best hope for peace.. I don’t want to support anything that energizes the BDS movement and think this resolution will.

      1. These Pro BDS want a resolution that SPECIFICALLY singles out Israel, while obviously ignoring the atrocities of other locations in the world. Gross, unbelievable atrocities, many of them by Muslim and Arab countries.
        Thats the ticket then….ignore all the really really bad stuff. And focus your microscope lens on Israel.

  14. Cant believe these BDS people. yes, we know you came to hate on Jews, thats the issue. But the Pakistani guy cursing the United States ? Huh?
    You don’t like America? Go crawl back to your hole in Peshawar. Free Jammu and Kashmir from illegal Pakistani occupation!

    1. Absolutely. Kashmir is derived from the Sanskrit word for Kashyap, who was a Hindu priest who lived long before Islam was invented. Kashmir belongs to India. Even Pakistan belongs to India. Free Pakistan from Pakistani occupation!

  15. bds hiding behind western education and eloquent language, all with the same motive that hamas has when sending rocket attacks to Israel to kill innocent people.

          1. No one is breathing down my back…I’m a proud US citizen and American. I’m not a BDS freak who stands in front of a microphone and curses America…you guys are being watched. Best believe that man. They are checking in your underwear!

          2. Why are you so hostile. Why can’t you debate with some manners? I respected some of the speakers last night that were pro-zionist because they at least admitted all of the atrocities that Israel committed and they condemned Israel for it. Please stop the hate speech and learn to love your fellow humans. We are all equal, we were all created by the same God.

  16. BDS always ignores the question when you say- what about the horrendous situations of Syria (killed 200,000 people, 5,000 of whom are Palestinians), Iraq, Egypt, Iran, etc. They may agreee slightly but they always say “we’ll get to that, but first there is Israel. LOL their goal is to ONLY stay on the Israel issue

    1. The whole point of this debate is to DIVEST FROM UCLA INVESTING IN ISREALI ORGANIZATIONS that are DESTROYING the only “democratic middle eastern country”.

        1. We aren’t invested in companies that help commit (what some consider to be) questionable acts in Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Syria, etc… That’s why it’s different. It isn’t about singling out Israel. If we were invested in companies in the countries you named we would support getting out of those too. I would at least. I think others have made similiar statements. Not looking to fight but I feel you deserve a fair response that the guest did not give you.

          1. You’re telling me we are not involved in Hewlett Packard or GE that does business with the armies and security forces of both Iraq and Egypt? Come now…don’t insult our intelligence. These companies we invested partnerships with make a tidy profit in those countries too.

    2. Can you stop talking about BDS for a moment? We as UCLA students are investing in Israel. Not Syria, not Iraq, not Egypt, and not Iran.

  17. If someone calls Israel and Apartheid state one more time…they have an Arab on their Supreme Court and numerous Arabian state officials…South Africa had no blacks in their government. This is not apartheid.

  18. Soda Stream stocks have experienced an 11% jump in value since that whole Oxfam BDS fiasco. LOL BDS Fail

  19. Go ahead and boycott Israeli goods. That means that you will most likely not be taking medications = anything from amoxicillin of ear infections to cancer drugs….Israeli Teva Pharma fills 85%+ of US generic drug prescriptions.Go ahead and boycott the medications.
    Ensha’allah you will not be much of a problem soon. lol

    1. Divestment does not boycott Israeli goods but American companies that actively participate in the discrimination and subjugation of Palestinians

  20. so what is this about? some UCLA students drinking starbucks lattes and wearing nikes made by chinese kids pretending to care about whats going on in some faraway lands? GTFO. This is corny. Stupid kids with faux passion, enjoying talking about stuff. Lets see them DO something. Stupid Americans whining and feeling good about themselves for this goofy debate. Its worthless because none of them do anything. They are just students. Go get a Jamba Juice and sit on the grass at Bruin Walk and be free.

  21. LOL THIS GAY DUDE SAID “Stop calling us gays” WTFFF You are a gay, gay dude. YOU ARE FRIGGEN GAY

  22. The card the sjp is playing with the gays and blacks is hilarious. They claim that Israel and Jews are oppressors but its seen here they take advantage of other people struggles to advance their radical and bigoted agenda. Wow.

        1. You didn’t catch anything. I merely highlighted the hypocrisy of those who oppose this Resolution by using one or two instances of ‘equal’ rights as an excuse of the mistreatment of Palestinians in their homeland.

  23. Weeell lookey here … it sure looks like the Hasbarat Brigade from Hasbara Central in the Disneyland of the Middle East has been called in, in strength.

    If ya wanna really dig how these jokers operate, Gabriel from “Jews sans Frontieres” provides some (rather hilarious) insight into how these putzes try to play the game:

    July 18, 2008

    How to make the case for Israel and win

    To the benefit of the many not-very-bright zionist wannabe apologists who read this blog assiduously, I decided to offer a clear and simple method of arguing the case for Israel. This clear and simple method has been distilled from a life spent listening to and reading Zionist propaganda. It is easy to follow and results are guaranteed or your money back.

    So don’t hesitate! Take advantage NOW of this revolutionary rhetorical system that will make YOU a great apologist for Israel in less time than it takes to shoot a Palestinian toddler in the eye.

    Ready? 1..2..3..GO!

    You need to understand just one principle:

    The case for Israel is made of four propositions that should always be presented in the correct escalating order.

    We rock

    They suck

    You suck

    Everything sucks

    That’s it. Now you know everything that it took me a lifetime to learn. The rest is details; filling in the dotted lines.

    You begin by saying how great Israel is. Israel wants peace; Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East; the desert blooms; kibutz; Israelis invented antibiotics, the wheel, the E minor scale; thanks to the occupation Palestinians no longer live in caves; Israel liberates Arab women; Israel has the most moral army in the world, etc.

    This will win over 50% of your listeners immediately. Don’t worry about the factual content. This is about brand identity, not writing a PhD. Do you really think BP is ‘beyond petroleum’?

    Then you go into the second point: They suck. Here you talk about the legal system of Saudi Arabia, gay rights in Iran, slave trade in the Sudan, Mohammad Atta, the burqa, Palestinians dancing after 9/11, Arafat’s facial hair, etc.

    There is only one additional principle you need to understand here. It will separate you from the amateurs. You need to know your audience. If you’ve got a crowd already disposed to racist logic, go for it with everything you have. But if you get a liberal crowd, you need to sugar coat the racism a bit. Focus on women rights, human rights, religious tolerance, “clash of civilizations”, terrorism, they teach their children to hate, etc. Deep down your audience WANTS to enjoy racism and feel superior. They just need the proper encouragement so they can keep their sophisticated self-image. Give them what they crave and they’ll adore you! But be careful not to ‘mix n match,’ because it will cost you credibility.

    When you’re done, there will always be dead-enders insisting that abuse of gays in Iran does not justify ethnic cleansing in Palestine. Take a deep breath, and pull the doomsday weapon: You suck!

    You’re a Jew-hater, Arab-lover, anti-Semite, you’re a pinko, a commie, a dreamer, a naive, a self-hater, you have issues, your mother worked for the Nazis, Prince Bandar buys you cookies, you forgot you were responsible for the holocaust, etc. The more the merrier. By the time you end this barrage, only a handful would be left standing. For mopping them up, you use the ultimate postmodern wisdom: Everything sucks.

    War, genocide, racism, oppression are everywhere. From the Roma in Italy to the Native-Americans in the U.S., the weak are victimized. Why pick on Israel? It’s the way of the world. Look! Right is only in question between equals in power; the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Ethics, schmethics. Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Eat, drink! Carpe diem! The Palestinians would throw us into the sea if they could. Ha ha!

    Trust me, that’s as far as words can go. If you followed this method faithfully, you’ve done your work. You should leave the few who are still unconvinced to the forces of order.

    You are now ready to
    apologize for Israel like a pro.

  24. As long as Jews have existed they have pissed excellence! And we will continue to piss excellence for as long as we exist!

      1. And what are you? Been productive at all since the mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258? Or just sat around all day and occasionally flew a plane into a building with innocents?

  25. Pretty sure it is legal to tape comments in a public forum like this at a public university. Don’t know why it would not be legal.

  26. Here’s my problem with the whole “neutrality” argument. Iran provides Hamas with materials to create rockets which they fire at Israel. However, they do not send any support for Israel. If we divest from American companies that do business with Israel and the IDF, how are we becoming neutral while there are other parties supporting Hamas violence against Israel? Who’s there to make sure Iran stops providing Hamas with weapons against Israel?

    1. Injustice is injustice. If Israel wants to kill innocent people they can do it with their own money, not with mine.

  27. you have to go through checkpoints because of the people in your population / government are a threat to Israel’s security. You talk about being able to sleep sound at night, Israeli’s want to be able to go to work without the fear that the bus they’re on is going to blow up.

    1. Well said.

      Pro-BDS people want to divest in a long term plan to get rid of checkpoints and such in order to give Palestinians better human rights and make so that they can feel safe at night and during the day. So let’s say divestment happens and it works and Israel is forced to get rid of the checkpoints and the wall and all of it. The suicide bombings and the rockets will start again. So at what point is Israel allowed to take action to protect its people to make it so that their citizens can feel safe at night and during the day. As sad as it is the checkpoints exist for a reason and they serve an important purpose. They protect the citizens of Israel. The correct course of action is to create a peaceful two state solution, so that both Palestinians and Israelis can live peacefully on their own lands. Getting rid of the checkpoints will give Palestinians an easier life, but at the cost of Israeli lives. Obviously both have the same right to life, so as I said before the solution is not the checkpoints nor is it to get rid of them, not until their is a peaceful solution so that both sides can feel safe at night, not just one.

  28. This advisory opinion did not allow for an Israeli hearing. Israel could not provide their side when the ICJ made this decision. Also, keep in mind that it is not legally binding, as it is just an “advisory opinion”.

    They wanted to show how the death toll went down as the barrier was built, but they were silenced.

  29. Much love from us pro-Israel advocates in New York! Great job so far in standing up to those BDSers, peace will not be made this way and this campaign DOES NOT have the support of even the Palestinian people. Sodastream employees spoke out against this campaign, as did President Abbas. Palestinian employees will be affected negatively from this as well. Stop the hypocrisy, stop the lies. BDS will be defeated.

  30. Much love from us pro-Israel advocates in New York! Great job so far in standing up to those BDSers, peace will not be made this way and this campaign DOES NOT even have the support of even the Palestinian people, the people that they seem to think they are “representing”. Sodastream employees spoke out against this campaign, as did President Abbas. Palestinian employees will be affected negatively from this divestment as well. Stop the hypocrisy, stop the lies. This try by BDS, will hopefully be struck down and seen for the anti-Semitism that it really is.

  31. “Palestinians do not have any warnings of an attack”

    …was she paying attention when the Israeli soldier spoke of how they dropped leaflets to warn Palestinians of an attack?

  32. I don’t understand, is she even paying attention to what the other senators are saying? They are NOT planning on doing nothing! They are planning to find an alternative to divestment!!!!!

    1. Death to Fakestine you monkey.
      We will use your bones for the foundations for pouring our cement for new cities. Allahuakbar

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