Innovation Nation (A Series on Young Entrepreneurs)
Part 1: Getting Started
Last week, the creators of “I’m Shmacked” came to UCLA to make a video that is now included in their online series that documents college life through footage of campuses and city tours as well as party scenes. Just over a week after its release, their “I’m Shmacked: UCLA” video has a little over 64,000 views. These young men demonstrate the power that social media can have in starting a young business, as well as the difficulties and controversy that may arise in executing new ideas. Co-founder Jeffrie Ray speaks on behalf of himself and his partner, George Washington University student Arya Toufanian, expressing their current projects as well as their future goals. Emeritus Anderson School professor Bill McKelvey then offers his thoughts on the company’s mission and direction.
They don’t “document college life”, they just show up and host a big drinking/drug party. I mean, they’re coming to my college soon, and I like to believe that the essence of my school is its scientific research, not the stupid drunk kids.