USAC approves change to guidelines on meeting live streams

UCLA’s undergraduate student government voted unanimously Tuesday to change the guidelines for council meeting live streams so future recordings require a majority vote of council to remove. The guideline changes come after the removal of a YouTube video of a controversial council meeting in February. The previous guidelines only required the Undergraduate Students Association Council […]

Q&A: USAC general representative candidate talks The After Party platforms

Jason Ergina, a candidate running for this year’s general representative office in the Undergraduate Students Association Council election, talked with John Peter Cavender, a Daily Bruin contributor, on Monday about his campaign platforms and why he decided to run for USAC. The first-year economics student and sole candidate in the new The After Party slate, […] sponsors data set for fifth ASA DataFest at UCLA

Hundreds of tired college students poured over a vast data set, arguing about correlation and causation and trying to learn new programs at UCLA early Saturday morning. ASA DataFest, a 48-hour data analysis marathon, lets students analyze a trove of data any way they want and present conclusions to judges, said Robert Gould, undergraduate vice […]

Israeli Independence Day celebration sparks enthusiasm, appreciation

UCLA Jewish community members transformed Bruin Plaza into a large social event Thursday, as hundreds of students, faculty and staff gathered to celebrate 67 years of Israeli independence through singing and dancing. The event, hosted by Bruins for Israel, featured speakers, musical performances and booths with information about Israel’s contributions to science and politics. Israel’s […]

Bruins for Israel campaign seeks to educate students on Zionism

Bruins for Israel recently launched a campaign called “We, the Zionists” to combat negative connotations surrounding Zionism and to teach students about the origins of the movement. Zionism is a national movement advocating for Jewish people’s right to a homeland, said Omer Hit, a third-year neuroscience student and incoming president of Bruins for Israel. For […]

Students at UCSA conference call for more funding, transparency

Hundreds of students marched to the California Capitol in Sacramento on Monday, demanding more state funding for the University of California and calling for Gov. Jerry Brown and UC President Janet Napolitano to be more transparent in their budget negotiations. The UC Student Association, which advocates for University students on student-related issues such as tuition, […]

Bruin Plate to remove all meat from dinner menu for ‘Green Mondays’

Bruin Plate plans to remove all meat options from its Monday dinners starting May 4 as part of a pilot program for a new green campaign. The campaign, called “Green Mondays,” formed when the student group Bruins for Animals approached UCLA Dining Services winter quarter with a plan to serve more sustainable meals for Hill […]