UCLA graduate student stands behind research despite accusations

A graduate student accused of falsifying data said he stands behind his research in an email statement Friday. In a study published in December, Michael LaCour and his co-author, Columbia professor Donald Green, reported results that suggested voters’ support for same-sex marriage increases following a 20-minute conversation with a gay advocate for same-sex marriage. After […]

Students advocate for Pell Grant funding at event in Washington, DC

Seven UCLA students traveled to Washington, D.C., with UCLA’s Federal Relations Office on Monday to advocate for a consistent level of funding for Pell Grants and federal loans. The office, which is a part of UCLA Government and Community Relations, organized the event, called UC Day in D.C., which allowed UCLA students, recent graduates and […]

USAC Finance Committee to investigate leaked LET’S ACT! documents

The undergraduate student government council voted unanimously Tuesday to authorize the Finance Committee to investigate leaked LET’S ACT! documents that allege members of the slate used students fees to fund election campaigns. The Finance Committee will report its findings to the Judicial Board. The Judicial Board will determine if LET’S ACT! violated any bylaws or […]

LA Metro begins testing Expo Line extension to Santa Monica

Los Angeles County Metro Transportation Authority officials sent test trains to Westwood Boulevard earlier this month as part of the ongoing clearance testing of the Expo Line. Metro spokesman Rick Jager said the line, which is set to open in 2016, will connect Downtown Los Angeles with Santa Monica. The Expo Construction Authority is in […]

Business improvement district to apply for Great Streets Challenge Grant

The Westwood Business Improvement District announced Friday it would apply for a $10,000 grant to improve Westwood infrastructure, said Andrew Thomas, the executive director. Mayor Eric Garcetti announced the Great Streets Challenge Grant on Tuesday, a program that would award up to $200,000 in grants from city funds to community groups and up to $20,000 […]

Lecturer to share personal experience with addiction at TEDxUCLA event

Fifteen years ago, Adi Jaffe woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed after being caught in possession of half a pound of cocaine following a motorcycle accident. As an undergraduate student at UCLA, Jaffe made his living and his reputation by using and selling drugs. Now a psychology lecturer at UCLA, he plans to discuss […]

Former ambassador speaks at Anderson as part of lecture series

A former U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation argued domestic Russian politics are the main cause of renewed tensions between the United States and the Russian Federation at a lecture at the Anderson School of Management Tuesday. Michael McFaul served as the U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation between 2012 and 2014. McFaul was also […]