Memorial honors anniversary of Black Panther students’ deaths

The original version of this article contained multiple errors and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. A four-year-old stone bearing the names oftwo deceased Black Panthers and former student leaders stood amid the faint glow of candles Friday night. During the vigil in front of Campbell Hall, students, friends […]

Sexual assault auditor to meet with UCLA student leaders

Leaders of a student campaign against sexual assault will meet with a California state auditor today to review UCLA’s sexual assault policies and procedures. The audit will provide a third-party evaluation of UCLA’s compliance with major federal laws, such as Title IX regulations and the Clery Act, on the treatment of sexual assault cases. It […]

Department of Education to reconsider PLUS loan policy

For Michael Reyes, a first-generation college student, funding a UCLA education seemed like a pipe dream. Even with several grants and scholarships, he had a $20,000 gap in funding for his two years at UCLA after he transferred from Santa Monica College. He turned to the Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students – or PLUS loan […]