‘Atonement,’ fresh beginnings highlight exhibit

By Barbara E. Hernandez
Daily Bruin Staff

The month of September holds special meaning to Jews, a month
centering around Judaism’s high holidays, a time of moral analysis
and the celebration of the new year. The Kerckhoff Art Gallery
honors the high holidays with the exhibit, "What Jews Do in
September: Accounting and Atoning," banding together numerous
Jewish artists to present their impressions of holidays from Rosh
Hashanah to Sukkot. Each piece illustrates atonement, tradition and
fertility in differing artistic media.

"We tried to write up explanatory notes for the art and
artifacts," says Tzili Mor, co-director of the Kerckhoff Art
Gallery, afraid the display of Judaica may confuse those not
familiar with it. "The holidays try to prepare you ethically and
morally for the new year."

Coming on the heels of Sukkot, the last holiday of the season,
the art show closes a chapter on a religious and spiritual time.
"The exhibit is not about being Jewish, but about a general theme
of New Year and new beginnings. We chose the theme of the Jewish
New Year to coincide with the school’s new year," says Mor.

The gallery features artists using a variety of media. Amy
Goldenberg, a graduate student of library science in the newly
installed Graduate School of Education and Informational Science,
is a master of the papercut. Using fall colors of burnt orange and
brown, Goldenberg’s shivit, "Shiviti for Sukkot", a traditional
Jewish papercutting, manages to convey the feel of a home during
Sukkot, complete with shiviti, palm fronds and Byzantine terraced

As an undergraduate in art, Goldenberg specialized in metal
arts. In her last semester of college she discovered the ancient
art of papercutting and loved it. "I decided to try one and I was
hooked," she says.

She was so hooked that she wrote her first book on the subject,
"Papercutting: Reviving a Jewish Folk Art."

"It’s really a folk art in every culture," Goldenberg stresses.
"In Jewish culture, it’s usually Mizrah and Shivit, decorations for

Continuing the holiday theme, Ruth Roberts, docent for the
Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum, contributed cards she makes
commemorating Jewish holidays. "I don’t sell," Roberts says. "I
give them to people who appreciate it."

Her numerous cards, each celebrating holidays like Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur, convey images of creation and finality. In her "Yom
Kippur Seal," her minimalist take on the ending of atonement makes
it a powerful piece. "I wanted to give up the finality of
atonement," Roberts says.

The dark red seal, so reminiscent of blood, encloses an envelope
like the ending of an event, a time, a life. Still, at the center,
closely a viewer can see an almost freeing and hopeful vision of a
bird’s flight. Roberts had originally considered a gold or silver
seal but a majestic-holy feel wasn’t the effect she wanted. She
wanted something a little more antique and found that in touring
historical Virginia. Finding the old sealing wax, used in colonial
times, reminded her of the antiquity of her card. The wax was also
"the only one that held up to mailing," she reasons.

Her other cards explore Creation and honor the New Year, such as
Selichot. "It’s the beginning of prayers and preparations for the
holidays, ones of adoration, thanksgiving and repentance."

More photographs depicting bicoastal celebrations line the wall
of Kerckhoff. Using both people and food, Bill Aron’s photographs
remind the viewer of family, tradition and primal sensuality. Paul
Vogler’s traditional "Shofar" uses the image to awaken people to
their responsibilities.

Miriam Krombach’s earthenware illustrates the family and
simplicity of the holidays and Carrie Ungerman uses the symbolism
of the pomegranate to portray fertility. While most of the pieces
have more subtle symbolism, the materials on loan from the Gallery
Judaica establish more concrete symbols.

However, the works in the gallery from both UCLA artists and the
outside community tie together the symbols so predominant in Judaic
tradition and culture.

ART EXHIBIT: "What Jews Do in September:
Accounting and Atoning" presented by Cultural Affairs Commission.
Reception tonight, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Kerckhoff Art
Gallery. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more info., call
(310) 825-6564.

Band’s coffeeshop acoustics entertain Frente! audience

By Brian Remick

If for only an hour or two, it seemed that the reign of hard
rock over the Palace temporarily ceased with the presence of a
small Australian band named Frente! (exclamation point intended and
definitely necessary).

Indeed, last Friday night the band showed the guests of the
Palace that acoustic rock is alive and well in the land of

Frente!, with that trademark exclamation point, toured Southern
California last weekend promoting "Marvin the Album," their second
release and first full-length album on the Mammoth Records

The group has an on-stage presence that is not typical of bands
on tour. They actually talk to one another in a conversational
manner, making the show more than just a bombardment of their
latest material, and a chance to get to know the members of the
band as human beings.

The fans, too, seemed to enjoy this natural style. Following the
first song, a fan in front of the stage held up a bouquet of
flowers for lead vocalist Angie Hart. "Go get the pretty flowers,
Angie," said Simon Austin, lead guitarist. She gently bent down to
pick them up, gratefully thanked the fan and Frente! played on.

They performed almost every song on "Marvin the Album,"
including a strange yet fantastic version of "Labour of Love," one
of their biggest hits. With the absence of the flutist for unknown
reasons, Simon Austin took the opportunity to demonstrate his
ability to imitate a flute with his voice. This attempt turned out
to be quite hilarious, actually, but still showed Frente!’s casual
attitude toward their music.

Austin showed more of his musical talent – this time on the
guitar – in an excellent version of "Lonely," featuring some of his
most melodic chord progressions, easily keeping the Palace crowd
captivated and begging for an encore.

Although the audience was definitely enjoying the show, singing
along to Frente!’s version of New Order’s classic "Bizarre Love
Triangle," Hart seemed disappointed that no one was dancing. "If
you’d like to dance, then … I’d like for you to dance," she said
with her enchanting Australian accent. The crowd laughed, but even
with her plea, the dancing never really did pick up.

Some technical problems developed about half way through the
show, starting with the bass player, Tim O’Connor. He left the
stage a couple of times, while the rest of the band went on without
him. "I’m having a horrible night," Hart mentioned toward the end
of the set, although the problems went almost unnoticed to the
audience and definitely did not take away from the performance as a

Frente! has such a casual approach to their music that one could
feasibly see them as a simple coffeehouse band (by no means meant
degradingly), which is a characteristic that few bands possess.
Angie Hart’s soft voice coupled with Simon Austin’s catchy guitar
riffs and unique dancing style make Frente’s on-stage presence
almost irresistible.

The band continued the set with riveting versions of "Most
Beautiful" and "Cuscation." A fan waved his cigarette lighter in
the air, only to be given a signal by Angie Hart to extinguish the

Much to the surprise of the almost sold-out crowd at the Palace,
Frente! finished quite abruptly with no encore, playing less than
one hour total. Perhaps the technical problems became too much to

Aside from some small sound problems, the Palace turned out to
be an excellent venue for the acoustic-based band. Its small size
and intimate atmosphere gave the audience an extraordinary
opportunity to see this new music sensation doing what they do best
– being themselves.

Caught by the ‘I’

By John Irvin

The camera shows what appears to be a female figure seated on a
chair. She is wearing tight pants and stockings, and she is
blindfolded. Her hands are tied behind the chair. The photograph is
a self-portrait by Pierre Molinier.

A viewer might ask why a woman appears as the subject of a
self-portrait by a photographer with a man’s name. Perhaps it is a
woman using a man’s name. But the date of the work is 66 years
after the photographer’s birthdate, and the subject looks young.
Perhaps the photographer is making a statement of self by excluding
his own image. Perhaps the photograph has been doctored in some

In any case, the discrepancies between our assumptions about
self-portraits and this result provide mystery to Molinier’s self-

Molinier’s work and over 100 others are part of "The Camera I,"
a collection of photographic self-portraits currently showing at
Los Angeles County Museum of Art through Oct. 23.

The collection began as the project of Audrey and Sydney Irmas
during the 1970s, and was donated to LACMA in 1992. It includes
works ranging from the mid-19th century to the present day.

A visitor cannot view the photographs for very long without
reflecting on the nature of self-presentation. The exhibit begs the
question, "What is self-portrait?"

Some works, such as the self-portraits of Imogen Cunningham and
Edward Weston, seem like straightforward presentations of the
photographer as subject. Others, such as Molinier’s untitled work,
test the credulity of the viewer.

Still others, such as works by Bruce Nauman and Andy Warhol,
obstruct the relationship between the viewer and the subject by
fragmentation of the subject as a whole.

A self-portrait is a statement of self. In fact, anything we do
– putting on certain clothes, performing our job, taking our exams,
singing a song – can be considered self-portrait in that it
reflects our own inner feelings and self-perception.

A self-portrait provides the artist with the opportunity to
present himself or herself to the viewer. The process is
self-conscious and self-revealing. It is personal. A statement of
self is an intimate experience in which the photographer decides
how much or what angle of himself or herself to reveal, and then
controls the process of recording that image.

Some photographers control their image very carefully, while
others let their hair down and allow the camera to record whatever
is there to be seen.

But if a self-portrait involves the "self," what is the self?
How does the photographer define that self?

The self can be many things. Some, such as Robert Mapplethorpe
and Diane Arbus, define their self through their body. In
Mapplethorpe’s "Self-portrait" from 1980, he reveals himself in the
nude, from chest up, with long flowing hair, bursting with animal

In Diane Arbus’ "Self-portrait in Mirror," she appears mostly
unclothed and also reveals a sensuality, but of a different sort.
She is obviously pregnant in the photograph – her enlarged belly
shows it. The purpose of the photograph was to announce her
pregnancy to her husband, who was stationed overseas during World
War II.

Not only does her belly show the physical state of being
pregnant, but her entire body, her stance, the attitude of her head
and the expression on her face all reveal a psychological message
of playful coolness and vulnerability. Arbus shares a very touching
and personal moment with the camera. The pose seems to say, "Here I
am," or "Look what you did," or even, "Are you going to take care
of me?"

Other artists define their self through their role. Edward
Staichen, in his "Self-portrait with Brush and Palette, Paris,"
poses at the easel, with palette and paintbrushes in hand. O.
Winston Link poses with an assistant and his impressive array of
cords and lighting equipment in "Link and Thom with Night Flash

Margaret Bourke White, in "Self-portrait with Camera," shows
herself standing by her camera mounted on its tripod, at the ready,
with an air of self-confidence. Self-portraits can show human
beings’ pride in what they do.

Some artists define the self through the environment around
them. Louis Faurer, in his work titled "Self-portrait, 42nd Street
El Station looking towards Tudor City," shows himself reflected in
a series of windows which reflect some of the elements of mid-town
Manhattan in the background, including the Chrysler Building.

Still other artists define themselves through action, fantasy
and mortality. Eadweard Muybridge shows himself performing athletic
activities such as walking and swinging a pick in a series of step
by step photographs in "Animal Locomotion." Duane Michals, in
"Self-portrait as if I Were Dead," depicts himself laid out on a
gurney, while, dressed in black, he looks on as a mourner.

Robert Mapplethorpe, in one of his most famous works,
"Self-portrait," from 1988, announces his partnership with his own
approaching death (he died of AIDS-related causes in 1989) by
posing beside a skull topped cane. In this photograph, the body is
blacked out, blending in with the background so that only his head
and hand can be seen, along with the cane.

For Mapplethorpe, the progression from the earlier self-portrait
to the later one shows a marked change in self-definition. Whereas
the earlier work emphasizes the body, the later one makes the body
almost nonexistent. The earlier work has a feeling of freedom and
sensuality; the later one has a kind of quiet reserve. It shows the
seriousness of a man who knows that his time is limited.

Life is a journey, and we do change. A photograph can only
record an instant in that journey, but that instant can be filled
with much detail, both intentional and unintentional. In the
collection of Audrey and Stanley Irmas, we can gain greater insight
into that journey, into the artists and into ourselves.

"The Camera I." Displayed at Los Angeles County
Museum of Art through Oct. 23. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 for
students over 18 with ID, $1 for children under 18. For more info
call (213) 857-6000.

Courses bring real world to classroom

By Donna Wong
Daily Bruin Senior Staff

One year ago – at the dawn of the academic year – the Social
Sciences Collegium gave birth to classes that transcended the
boundaries of any department curriculum.

Now, at the beginning of its second full year, the program
headed by sociology Professor Jeffrey Alexander is giving more UCLA
faculty the opportunity to teach their dream courses with
innovative new methods and subjects.

Using interdisciplinary and multimedia approaches of teaching,
instructors take a look at current events and issues in an attempt
to bring the real world into the university, said Christopher
Campbell, Social Sciences Collegium coordinator.

New courses offered by the Social Sciences Collegium this fall
cover topics from the development of democracy in South Africa to
guerrilla movements in Latin America.

In Alan Emery’s course on democracy development in South Africa,
students will be looking at how work unions are talking with
workers to find ways to share company profits.

Also, they will be looking at the open discussions on racial
inequality taking place in South Africa as nationals attempt to
grapple with racial problems.

"We (in the United States) need to do the same, but no one’s
really talking about the (racial) problems openly," Emery said.

The program hopes to give students the opportunity to get away
from the broad lower division courses and into the study of
specific contemporary topics, Campbell said.

The Collegium courses fulfill GE requirements and are limited
mainly to first and second year students.

And due to restricted enrollments of as little as 20, students
can more easily participate in discussion, Campbell said.

One topic this quarter is how to forge a particular cultural or
religious identity, and still maintain relations to the rest of the
community, instructor Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller said.

In his lecture titled "The Jewish Experience in Contemporary
America", Seidler-Feller will also hit on issues of anti-Semitism
and other prejudices, intermarriage and assimilation.

"We want to know if there are any strategies to sustain a
cultural group’s identity and development," Seidler-Feller

As some courses analyze racial identity, another course this
fall will look at the culture and identity of youth in 20th century

Students will use a multimedia approach with music, fashion,
movie and article clippings from the 1920s and 1950s to find the
connections between today’s and yesterday’s adolescents, instructor
Cynthia Eckert said.

Looking at the role of adolescents in the creation of American
popular culture, students will examine sexual mores and notions of

Students will even look at the pregnancy rates from that era and
see that they are comparable to those of recent times, Eckert

This fall, students have a chance to take a closer look at the
guerrilla movements in Latin America and the experience of racially
mixed persons in America. They can also take a statistical computer
program approach to ethnicity and social class in America.

The Social Sciences Collegium also offers students a volunteer
component where they can go into the field and work, Campbell

Seminar courses are offered in almost every area of study at
UCLA. Some tentative courses being offered this year range from
Freud, fairy tales and feminism, to the psychology of architecture
and even women and gender in the Middle East.

The courses give undergraduate students the chance to work
closely with a faculty member and strengthen their writing skills,
as many of these class are not graded through finals, but lengthy

Even though the Social Sciences Collegium is the only program to
offer faculty dream courses, all seminars and collegium classes at
UCLA stress creativity and originality – not regurgitation,
Campbell said.

Women’s soccer runs over Wildcats in 4-0 win

By Hye Kwon

The UCLA women’s soccer team continued its inspired play as it shut out the struggling Wildcats of Arizona Saturday morning, 4-0, on the North Soccer Field.

The win improved the Bruins’ record to 6-2-1, while the Wildcats fell to 1-6-0.

With sophomore defender Sue Skenderian still out because of a nagging back injury, the Bruins featured a starting lineup consisting of all freshmen.

Despite their inexperience at the collegiate level, the 11 freshmen dominated the possession of the ball and outshot Arizona 26 to 4.

The Wildcats were ineffective in breaking through the Bruin defenders at midfield throughout the match, and the Arizona goal keeper was constantly bombarded by the swarm of Bruin attackers.

It didn’t take long for UCLA to get on the scoreboard as forward
Traci Arkenberg, the team’s leading scorer, broke the scoreless tie in the 13th minute by chipping in a pass from defender Julie Koudelka.

In the second half, Arkenberg was fouled in the penalty area and scored her second goal of the match on the ensuing penalty kick. Before she could get a hat trick, coach Joy Fawcett pulled Arkenberg off the field to get sophomore forward Christine Sanders more playing time.

Showing her competitive personality, Arkenberg down-played her personal performance after the match.

“I should have put more in,” she said. “There were some easy shots that I missed.”

Two insurance goals were later added by midfielders Shannon Thomas and Melanie Hom at 53:42 and 81:14, respectively.

“We really hung together today and supported each other” Arkenberg said. “We feel confident in going into the second part of the season.”

* * *

Coming off an impressive win over the Wildcats for Arizona on Saturday, the UCLA women’s soccer team will travel to UC Irvine for an important match tonight at 7.

The Bruins are 4-1 in their last five matches, and the confidence of the young team seems to be growing by the match.

Last season, UCLA defeated the Anteaters by a score of 3-1. Two of the goals came from last year’s top scorer, Sonja Munevar.

With Munevar lost to graduation and veteran defender Sue Skenderian still questionable due to a back injury, the team will look to two key players.

Freshman forward Traci Arkenberg and freshman goalkeeper Gretchen Overgaard have really stepped up on the field for UCLA and will be counted on for leadership.

Coming into the week, Overgaard ranks first in the region in save percentage after allowing just three goals and posting 40 saves (.930). She also ranks eighth in the nation in goals against average.

Arkenberg is ranked ninth in the nation in goals scored and 11th in scoring. The two goals scored on Saturday puts her season total at eight, and she also has two assists.

The Bruins will be challenged by an Irvine team that is much more formidable than the Arizona Wildcats, who are in their first year of NCAA play.

“I know the coach and the team and they’re pretty good,” said Arkenberg. “But, we have more skills.”

Volleyball gets by upset-minded UW

By Eric Branch
Daily Bruin Staff

The third-ranked UCLA women’s volleyball team assumed that the University of Washington knew its proper place in the hierarchy of Pacific-10 volleyball.

However, after Friday night’s grueling 15-3, 12-15, 14-16, 15-6, 17-15 victory over last season’s ninth-place conference finishers in Pauley Pavilion, the Bruins (12-1 overall, 3-0 in Pac-10) might be taking less for granted.

“It was a little tougher than expected,” UCLA head coach Andy Banachowski said. “We played inconsistent volleyball tonight.”

The Huskies (8-5, 3-2) have never beaten the Bruins and came into Westwood with a 0-24 record against UCLA. No. 25 Washington played the first game as if loss was inevitable. The Huskies posted a paltry .045 hitting percentage to UCLA’s robust .524 in the 15-3 thrashing which lasted all of 12 minutes.

However, the Bruins’ Friday night plans were put on hold as the Huskies captured the next two games, 15-12 and 16-14. Washington relied on the right arms of junior outside hitter Dragana Djordevic (26 kills) and sophomore outside hitter Angela Bransom (23 kills) to take the unexpected advantage over UCLA.

“We might have let down a little after the first game,” sophomore middle blocker Kim Krull conceded. “We expected them to die but they didn’t.”

Krull, who finished the two-hour and 25-minute match with 14 kills and five blocks, led the spirited comeback.

“Kim did a great job of getting us into it,” said senior outside hitter Annett Buckner (18 kills,12 digs). “She never let up all night.”

The Bruins began the fourth game with freshman setter Kim Coleman in the game for sophomore Kelly Flannigan. The result was a 15-6 game which resembled the first game. The frame was punctuated by two successive Krull blocks of Djordjevic.

“I put in (Coleman) to change up our tempo,” Banachowski said. “They seemed to be getting in sync with our offense.”

The fifth game, played under rally scoring with a point being scored on each play, saw the Bruins race out to a 14-10 lead on the strength of three Buckner kills and four Washington hitting errors. However, the never-say-die Huskies fought off four match points, eventually knotting the score at 15.

“I looked up at the scoreboard and I couldn’t believe it,” Krull said. “It seemed like we were up by so much all game. It was scary.”

After nearly two hours the Bruins finally got a wakeup call. After a Djordjevic smash narrowly missed the baseline for 16-15, junior outside hitter Jenny Johnson drilled it in the vacated right corner for the match.

M. soccer takes out Rutgers to clinch title

By Tim Costner
Daily Bruin Senior Staff

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — If there is one way to describe how the UCLA men’s soccer team prevailed at the Adidas/MetLife Classic, that way would be – quite simply – in typical Bruin fashion.

The No. 10 Bruins won both games by the slimmest of margins, topping No. 25 St. John’s, 2-1, on Friday and edging out tournament host Rutgers, 1-0, on Sunday to clinch the title.

“It’s always tough when you go on the road,” UCLA head coach Sigi Schmid said. “We played in front of a big crowd against Rutgers and this game was very important for them. When you come out with a win, you’ve got to be happy.”

UCLA (8-1 overall) out-finessed the Scarlet Knights in the first half, with accurate passing and numerous steals on defense.

All in all, the Bruins have three legitimately dangerous shots on goal in the first half, but could convert none of them. The Scarlet Knights, on the other hand, had no real chances in the first half.

The second half was a nightmare for the Bruins, however. UCLA came out flat and had great difficulty string together passes.

“We played well in the first half and in the second half, we got tired,” Schmid said. “Right now, a couple of players who are turning into key players for us are still not fit.”

Although the Bruins had to fight fatigue, they did get one opportunity in the waning minutes of the second half.

UCLA midfielder Joe Christie sent a cross to Josh Keller for a header – and game winner – in the 84th minute.

“I’m real happy with the goal,” Keller said. “I’ll take what I can get. The opportunities present themselves, and I just try to finish them. I just happened to be in the right place.”

* * *

On Friday evening, UCLA edged out St. John’s, 2-1, in the chilly confines of the Rutgers Soccer Stadium.

The Bruins broke a scoreless deadlock with the Redmen in the 41st minute, when Christie slipped pass his defender and dribbled into open space along the endline.

With forward Ante Razov running toward the goal, Christie placed a perfect cross in front of Razov, who one-touched the ball off the near post and into the goal.

“I saw Ante coming in from the top of the box,”Christie said. “So, I just tried to keep the ball low and hit him. He was able to get his foot on it and make a great goal.”

The Redmen equalized in the 49th minute, when St. John’s Ben Hickey got around UCLA sweeper Kenny Wright in the goal box for a close range shot on goal that tied the game 1-1.

But, like so many times this season, UCLA scored the winning goal late in the game – this time in the 77th minute of play.

UCLA midfielder Eddie Lewis set up the goal with his first assist of the season, sprinting down the left sideline and sending a cross to Keller.

As the Redmen goalie came off of his line, Keller went up high for a header and fired the ball passed the goalie to the far post.

“I saw Ed with the ball and just knew he was going to get the cross off,” Keller said. “I just backed off my man and that gave me the space I needed. I saw the keeper at near post, so I just placed it far post.”

For his two game-winning goals, Keller was named on the all-tournament team, along with fellow Bruins goalie Chris Snitko, defender Frankie Hejduk and Eddie Lewis.

As the Bruins try to recover from their 4-3 loss to UC Irvine in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation opener Sept. 25, Schmid remains optimistic.

“We get (Adam) Frye back next week,”Schmid said. “So that means
we’re 100 percent healthy as far as the rest of the season goes.”