Gabriel Levine, an active Calpirg member, sees this election season’s campaigns as difficult in the face of apathetic students, but aims to surge forward because he is making a difference. Calpirg currently campaigns against Proposition 23, which deals with the suspension of the state’s global warming law, which can affect employment and growth within certain California green industries.
Category Archives: Video
Election 2010: Canvass for a Cause campaigns on campus
California grassroots organization Canvass for a Cause campaigned on campus in support of Proposition 19, recruiting student volunteers and inspiring people to vote. Through their dedication, energy, and charisma they speak to everyone hoping for a moment of their time to tell them why they should vote “yes” on Prop 19.
Election 2010: Bruin Republicans campaigning on campus
Even in the last few hours before the polls close, student campaigners continue to promote their cause. Bruin Republican president Lydia Mazuryk discusses the organization’s campaign tactics and her motivations for the 2010 election.
Fractured shin mounts physical and mental obstacles for club athlete
The last time sophomore Nathan Saito threw a baseball in a club game, he fractured his left shin in multiple places. While pain and physical limitations have been formidable obstacles, the injury has also mounted a mental barrier that has been particularly difficult to overcome.
Bruin wushu practitioner explains why he performs through the pain
Senior Stefan Wojciechowski explains how his determination and duty to lead the UCLA Wushu Club helped him through his recovery process.
Global Medical Brigades delivers medical attention to Hondurans in need
The UCLA chapter of the Global Medical Brigades spends winter and summer breaks in Honduras to bring medical assistance. Through living in the orphanages and working among the people, students build close ties with the Honduran people.
UCLA alumni develop communities with the Global Sustainability Project
Using their experiences abroad in El Salvador, UCLA alumni Eric Lam and Benison Pang form a new kind of non-profit that unites service organizations to better aid developing communities.