Ten out of 13 undergraduate student governments will be uncontested in this year’s election.
The Academic Affairs Commission, Cultural Affairs Commission and Financial Supports Commission will be contested in the elections held from May 7-10.
Since 1919
Ten out of 13 undergraduate student governments will be uncontested in this year’s election.
The Academic Affairs Commission, Cultural Affairs Commission and Financial Supports Commission will be contested in the elections held from May 7-10.
UCLA coach Jim Mora post-practice transcript
On practice:
“A lot of energy, enthusiasm, good tempo, got a lot done; so it (was) a good day for us.
April 23, 2012 – “A Light Tale” is a fictional story written by second-year physiological science student Chris Williams. It’s about a young boy who struggles to confront his fear of darkness, monsters and spiders in his house. Williams is a member of the Writer’s Den, a student-run club on campus that provides a friendly environment for students to share their literary works and receive constructive feedback.
Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on” UCLAradio.com”:http://uclaradio.com/. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.
April 23, 2012 – This Wednesday, Christyana Cabal attended Music at the Med, a concert series presented by the UCLA Health System and the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music. Performed at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center by UCLA’s own music students, the concerts share familiar and beloved pieces with patients and their families. In the midst of white walls and medicine, the music temporarily transports its audience away from the hospital setting and into a world of ease and enjoyment. Cabal spoke with Hillary Smith, a graduate student in the cello and Ambroise Aubrun, a doctoral student in the violin from UCLA’s LaMi String Quartet. They share their experiences of playing music in a hospital setting.
Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on” UCLAradio.com”:http://uclaradio.com/. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.
April 23 , 2012 “”mdash; Long Story Short captures a spontaneous concert of UCLA students jazzing it up on the upright piano outside Royce Hall. To promote the international “Play Me, I’m Yours” movement, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra recently installed the piano on the UCLA campus to promote spontaneous public performances. The musical lineup: first-year undeclared humanities student Stephanie Sybert and first-year biology student Devin Gunay perform a duet, “Cry Me a River” by Randy Brecker. Then, Gunay performs a ragtime solo, “Euphonic Sounds,” by Scott Joplin.
Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on” UCLAradio.com”:http://uclaradio.com/. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.
April 23, 2012 – String quartets, piano players, creative writers and all that jazz. This week on Long Story Short, Christyana Cabal interviews Hillary Smith, a graduate student in the cello and Ambroise Aubrun, a doctoral student in the violin, from UCLA’s LaMi String Quartet. LaMi recently performed at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center for the concert series “Music at the Med,” a program designed by the UCLA Health Center and the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music for patients, family members and hospital staff to enjoy.
Then Taylor Erickson catches Stephanie Sybert, a first-year undeclared humanities student, and Devin Gunay, a first-year biology student, performing a jazz duet at the “Play Me, I’m Yours” piano in front of Royce Hall.
Afterward, we feature our first short story reading by Chris Williams, a second-year physiological science student and a member of the Writer’s Den on campus. He recites “A Light Tale,” a piece of prose about a young boy confronting his paralyzing fear of darkness and spiders.
Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Visit our broadcast archive or subscribe to our podcast.
Indie-folk pop artist Kelsea Little has been playing the harp since she was eight years old and experiments with piano, flute and guitar. Little will be performing at The Smell this Friday as part of her Pacific Coast Highway tour. Little spoke with Daily Bruin’s Jessica McQueen about her first solo tour, inspiration for her music and her dreams of playing at Coachella.