Legislative Assembly approved Anderson self-sufficiency proposal

A faculty group voted to approve a proposal by the UCLA Anderson School of Management to become a self-sustaining program today in the final UCLA vote on the issue.
The UCLA Legislative Assembly voted 53-46, with three abstentions, to support an Anderson faculty appeal that would allow the proposal to continue on to approval by the UC Office of the President.
The appeal will allow the Master’s of Business Administration program at the Anderson school to no longer be financially dependent on state funds, if approved by UCOP.

Students and a faculty member voice disappointment on failure of 'Community and Conflict in the Modern World' GE proposal

About 30 students gathered in Meyerhoff Park this afternoon for a rally to voice their disappointment about a recent failed diversity-related general education requirement.

The “Community and Conflict in the Modern World” requirement would have required students to take a GE course dealing with conflicts and collaboration that can emerge through differences in communities.