Long Story Short – April 22, 2014

First, Sid reviews UCLA’s first environmental film festival “Green Screens”, which presented documentaries on environmental activism and human connections. Then, with Earth Day around right around the corner, second-year environmental science student, Jacqueline Mak and first-year life sciences student Jacqueline Williams talk about CalPirg’s recent campaigns, such as the Million Clean Cars and Students Against Fracking. […]

Long Story Short – April 14, 2014

Daily Bruin news contributor Amanda Schallert talk about the possibility of having a transfer representative on USAC with fourth-year sociology student Randall Call, fourth-year political science student Nicole Fossi, and third-year political science student Alyssa Nunez, while and Janet Nguyen discusses the heavily contested elections this year, where four slates are running candidates. Afterward, fourth-year […]

Long Story Short – April 7, 2014

Long Story Short returns with Meral Arik and new broadcast host Kathleen McGovern. Recap spring break with a montage of scared and silly reactions to the recent earthquakes, followed by coverage of the 26-hour-long journey of this year’s Dance Marathon. Afterward, second-year economics student Josh Briggs, director of Hooligan’s production of “Legally Blonde” gives us […]

UCLA sand volleyball drops matches to LMU, USC

When you picture a sand volleyball court, it’s easy to imagine the peaceful background of an empty beach, the ocean and blue skies. However, when that court is in the middle of No. 1 USC’s campus and surrounded by a partisan home crowd, the environment instead feels like a hostile one. This undoubtedly had an […]