LIVE BLOG: the 25th Annual JazzReggae Festival, Jam Day

The sun is out, and arts and entertainment reporter Arit John will be giving you the scoop on the sights and sounds from Jazz Reggae Festival’s Jam Day, featuring Lupe Fiasco and Talib Kweli. Whether you missed out on tickets or are stuck at home studying, keep checking in until 7 p.m. for the latest on all things jazzy and reggae-related.

Noah and the Whale showcases musical ambidexterity with crowd-pleasing performance at El Rey

UK indie band Noah and the Whale stoically took the El Rey stage Wednesday night after Canadian opener Bahamas warmed up a responsive crowd with sweet and twangy rockabindy – a combinaiton of rockabilly and indie – songs, including a sing-along to Wreckless Eric’s “(I’d Go the) Whole Wide World.”

Incessant cheers cracked a smile on lead singer and guitarist Charlie Fink’s face, however, as the band launched into “Give a Little Love” off its debut album.

'Sylvia' play barks up the wrong tree with boisterous doggy love plot

If you came into this play thinking it would be about poet Sylvia Plath, you would be sorely mistaken.

“Sylvia” is not about the suicidal poet, but rather a dog, and a feisty one at that. Playing at the Edgemar Center for the Arts till July 10, “Sylvia” is a comedy about Greg (Stephen Howard), a middle-aged man seeking solace in a stray dog named Sylvia, played with an overbearing neediness by Tanna Frederick.

Overtime with Daily Bruin Sports: May 23, 2011

Sports editor Sam Strong and assistant sports editor Ryan Menezes talk about how the UCLA baseball team is doing so far. Strong also attended a basketball practice and gives an update on the team. They give follow up analysis of the latest sports news.

Overtime with Daily Bruin Sports airs Mondays at 6:30 p.m. on

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