For Relient K drummer Ethan Luck, communication and respect are key to making a band work

With the Vans Warped Tour coming to Los Angeles on Wednesday, Relient K drummer Ethan Luck spoke with Daily Bruin’s Marjorie Yan about the evolution of Relient K, expectations for the Warped Tour and the band’s future plans.

Daily Bruin: Relient K started in 1998.

One-act play "So Damned Heavenly Bound" misses the emotional punch

So Damned Heavenly Bound
The Elephant Theatre
Through Sept. 10
1 paw

When a 20-minute one-act play is set in the aftermath of a father’s death, there is a significant amount of emotional baggage to shove into a small time frame.

“So Damned Heavenly Bound,” the first play of a double feature at The Elephant Theatre which also included “You Make Me Physically Ill”, attempts to solve that issue by foregoing details about the father’s death and placing the emotional burden on four women, three of the man’s daughters and one his granddaughters.

The daughters, Liz (Malesa Farris), and Peggy (Sundee Martineau), as well as Liz’s daughter Lisa (Angela Poncetta), have spent the whole afternoon and evening preparing for the following day’s funeral.

President Barack Obama signs debt ceiling bill that includes cuts to financial aid for college students but saves Pell Grant

President Barack Obama signed a bill today to increase the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt ceiling and avoid severe economic consequences for retirees, students and federal workers.

House and Senate leaders grappled arduously for months to work out an agreement that both parties would approve.

Paul Shoulberg's new play, "Tweaked," examines the complex issues of meth addiction through three characters' personal stories

Meta Theatre
Through Aug. 21
3.5 paws

Addiction isn’t a problem that gets solved in an hour and a half.

This is why “Tweaked,” the new play by Paul Shoulberg, succeeds best in not attempting to propose a cure within its given time frame, but in allowing for an examination of the issues that stem from its continuation.