UC Regents decide not to back four-year funding plan that calls for tuition increases

SAN FRANCISCO – UC leadership is sketching a long-term financial blueprint to deal with plunging state support.

For now, that will not involve multi-year tuition hikes.

A plan to raise tuition by a minimum of 8 percent for four years – up to 16 percent if state funds do not materialize – was the focal point of the UC Board of Regents’ meeting last Thursday at UC San Francisco’s Mission Bay campus.

UC President Mark Yudof stressed the need to have a coherent plan moving forward.

“For 20 years tuition has gone up because for 20 years the state’s commitment has eroded,” UC President Mark Yudof said.

Construction on the 405 Freeway may delay commute to UCLA on move-in weekend

Construction on the 405 Freeway may slow up students and families approaching Westwood on UCLA’s move-in weekend.

A major closing on the northbound 405 to the eastbound Sunset Boulevard off-ramp blocks a common route to campus, and a two-direction one-lane reduction of Sunset Boulevard between Church Lane and Sepulveda Way could worsen traffic conditions.

In anticipation, UCLA Transportation is taking several measures to direct UCLA-bound drivers, said David Karwaski, the senior associate director for planning policy and traffic systems for UCLA Transportation.

“We’re cooperating with [the Los Angeles Department of Transportation] and trying to mitigate it as best as we can,” Karwaski said.

Traffic controllers from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation will be posted on the corners of Wilshire Boulevard and Veteran Avenue, Sunset Boulevard and Veteran Avenue, and Wilshire Boulevard and Gayley Avenue to direct traffic, he said.

UCLA Transportation has also asked the city to post a sign on the Wilshire Boulevard exit of the northbound 405 (this makes no sense) to tell those traveling to UCLA to exit at Wilshire Boulevard, Karwaski said.

Both the closure and reduction is because of work on a water line that runs along the southern side of Sunset Boulevard and crosses the Sunset Boulevard ramp.