Overtime with Daily Bruin Sports: October 31, 2011

Oct. 31, 2011 “”mdash; Daily Bruin Sports senior staffers Sam Strong and Ryan Eshoff talk about the Bruins’ 31-14 win over Cal on Saturday and preview the basketball season, which starts Sunday with an exhibition matchup between UCLA and Cal State San Bernardino.

Overtime with Daily Bruin Sports airs Mondays at 6:30 p.m. on UCLAradio.com.

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Previewing Prime, Daily Bruin’s lifestyle magazine

Oct. 31, 2011 “”mdash; Prime is the Daily Bruin’s quarterly lifestyle and news magazine. The fall issue hits newsstands tomorrow. With stories on drink specials, discounted movies and home-cooked meals, the magazine highlights what is out there from the perspective of college students on a budget. The spotlight is cast upon various individuals, highlighting the diverse goals and interests in our community. Editors Ken Huang and Samantha Suchland give a sneak peek of what’s inside the cover.

Long Story Short streams online Mondays at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.


Oct. 31, 2011 – Long Story Short

Oct. 31, 2011 “”mdash; Parapsychologist Barry Taff once worked at UCLA’s former parapsychology lab. He studied the alleged presence of ghosts, poltergeists and extrasensory perception. This has culminated in a book, “Aliens Above, Ghosts Below.” He joins us to talk about his experiences and the theories that support the paranormal.

Later, we preview the upcoming fall issue of the Daily Bruin’s quarterly lifestyle and news magazine, Prime. Editors Samantha Suchland and Ken Huang give us a sneak peek before it hits newsstands on Tuesday. They will take us behind the scenes of the creation of the magazine, as well as the people and things they chose to highlight.

Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Visit our broadcast archive or subscribe to our podcast.


Former UCLA researcher Barry Taff offers insights into parapsychology

Oct. 31, 2011 “”mdash; Barry Taff’s research on paranormal and extraterrestrial activity has made waves in the field of parapsychology. In fact, he used to research this phenomena at UCLA’s parapsychology lab, which was open until the late 1970s. His study of more than 4,500 different cases led to his book, “Aliens Above, Ghosts Below.” He hopes to look into mankind’s future through various theories supporting the existence of ghosts, UFOs and extrasensory perception.

Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive or subscribe to our podcast.


Soundbite: "Album Raises New and Troubling Questions" by They Might be Giants

With a career spanning 29 years and 15 major releases, They Might Be Giants could not be classified as a young band. However, simply given its newest album, “Album Raises New and Troubling Questions,” without any background information, one might be surprised to learn just how long the band has been around.