Men's and women's cross country to compete at NCAA West Regional on Saturday

And so it comes down to this.

For a season that saw the dedication of early September runs through the foothills of Mammoth Lakes; the tireless routine of morning and afternoon two-a-days during the quarter; the loss of standout runners and the rise of strong freshmen; and the experience gained from weekend meets, the men and women’s cross country teams will be defined by a matter of minutes, most likely no more than 25, on Saturday for the NCAA West Regionals in Palo Alto.

California $1.5 billion behind budget estimates

Four months into the new fiscal year, California is $1.5 billion short of meeting its revenue goals, according to a report released today from State Controller John Chiang.

“Unless revenues and expenditures begin to track with projections, the State will face increasing cash pressure in the months ahead,” Chiang said in a statement on the California State Controller’s Office website.

UC plans to request nearly $2.8 billion in state funds for 2012-2013 fiscal year

As part of the University of California’s aim to preserve student access to its campuses, UC President Mark Yudof outlined today an expenditure plan to be proposed at next week’s regents meeting.

If passed, Yudof’s plan would request about $2.8 billion from the state as part of the university’s budget request for the upcoming academic year.