Medleys, Signature a cappella groups preview upcoming Holiday A Cappella Rama show

Nov. 28, 2011 “”mdash; Medleys A Cappella and Signature A Cappella are both performing in the UCLA Office of Residential Life’s Holiday A Cappella Rama. They bring on the holiday cheer by sharing with us their love of music and by previewing some Christmas tunes.

Medleys A Cappella members:
Hannah Meisser, first-year musical theater student; Kelly Osajima, fourth-year sociology student; Sam Wang, first-year human biology and society student; Roxana Meyers, second-year comparative literature student; Nina Kasuya, third-year ethnomusicology student; Sara Ketcham, fourth-year global studies student; Sarah Remley, third-year psychology student; Nick Dale, first-year applied mathematics student; Terrence Jegaraj, second-year vocal performance student; Karen Fukuhara – second-year pre-communications studies student; Paul DiLoreto, second-year musical theater student

Signature A Cappella members:
Samantha Hagemeyer, second-year psychology student with a minor in classics; Michelle Rice, fourth-year biology student; Melodie Ampuero, fourth-year psychology student with a minor in Spanish; Sarah Leibovitch, fourth-year history student with a minor in political science; Gwenna McKee, second-year musical theater student; Shani Taylor-Keeling, first-year psychobiology student

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