Feel-good film nominees grace 2012 Oscar list

The 2012 Oscar nominations hit the Internet yesterday, but revealed themselves gently ““ most of the nominees for this year’s Academy Awards are reunited in their devotion to feel-good cinema. This is a stark contrast from 2007, which was dominated by violence and movies about the depravity of mankind, like “No Country For Old Men” and “There Will Be Blood.”

Long Story Short – Neurology professor discusses implications of breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease research

Jan. 23, 2011 “”mdash; Dr. John Ringman, an associate clinical professor of neurology, joins us to discuss his recent breakthroughs in the study of Familial Alzheimer’s disease, and their far-reaching implications.

Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.


Long Story Short – Matt Lee answers students’ questions on romantic and friendly relationships

Matt Lee, our relationship guru, returns for another segment of Lovelee Conversations. And he’s got more advice for students navigating the mazes of young love.

Long Story Short streams online Mondays at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.


Long Story Short – Jan. 23, 2011

Progress has been made in Alzheimer’s disease research led by Dr. John Ringman, an associate clinical professor of neurology. He discusses his findings and outlook on future treatments. Then Matt Lee, our relationship expert, untangles some of the mysteries of friendly and romantic relationships in another segment of Lovelee Conversations.

Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on” UCLAradio.com”:http://uclaradio.com/. Visit our broadcast archive subscribe to our podcast.


Overtime with Daily Bruin Sports: January 23, 2012

Jan. 23, 2011 – Senior staff Sam Strong and Ryan Eshoff share sound from the UCLA men’s basketball games in Oregon and offer their expert analysis of the team’s two losses against Oregon State and University of Oregon.

Overtime with Daily Bruin Sports airs Mondays at 6:30 p.m. on UCLAradio.com.

Visit our broadcast archive or subscribe to our podcast.
