Q&A: Professor Matthew Fisher describes his daily coffee routine

The office of Matthew Fisher, an assistant professor in English, resembles that of a typical college professor ““ books and papers arranged, deliberately or otherwise, in a pattern of contained chaos; framed photos of loved ones glint in the natural light filtering through the large window; a comfortably upholstered armchair is angled to face his desk for the leisure of visiting colleagues or students trailing in for office hours.

Even the giant cup of Kerckhoff coffee sitting on his desk is normal by some standards ““ perhaps for those with a high tolerance for caffeine and well-tamed blood pressure levels, and a lot to do and little time.

Long Story Short – Feb. 21, 2012

Feb. 20, 2011 “”mdash; On Saturday, the Moore Hall auditorium rang with the sounds of Indian classical music from morning until night. Second-year ethnomusicology student Gaayatri Kaundinya was behind the scenes running the show. She delves into her love of the musical art form into which she has devoted a lifetime of study. Then, Film and TV editor Spencer Pratt discusses his other passion besides film and TV: coffee. He shares his mission to make the perfect cup of coffee.

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