Q&A: Andy Grammer opens up on his rise to fame and headlining his own tour

Andy Grammer used to perform on the streets of Santa Monica to pay his bills. Now, he’s on the last leg of his six-week national tour, after previously touring alongside artists such as Natasha Bedingfield. Daily Bruin’s Laurie Allred spoke to Grammer about his rise to fame, his upcoming performance at the House of Blues and the inspiration for his songs.

Long Story Short -Hands for Africa seeks to bring knowledge of amputees’ challenges to aiding victims of Sierra Leone civil conflict

Former president of the Mutual Amputee Aid Foundation Steve Bogna will share his journey adapting to the challenges presented when one leg is lost. Originally scheduled for this Sunday, it will now take place within the next couple weeks. Chloe Peters, co-president for Hands for Africa at UCLA, discusses how the organization will bring this knowledge to aid amputees from the Sierra Leone blood diamond conflicts. Then Hands for Africa founder Alton Harding shares his mission of providing prosthetics, education and hope.


Long Story Short streams Mondays at 27 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.

Long Story Short – UCLA student discusses character’s journey to redemption in LCC Theatre Company’s “˜Please Stand By’

Lapu, the Coyote that Cares Theatre Company put on its winter production, “Please Stand By” Sunday and will perform again on Wednesday at 7:30 pm in Schoenberg 1200. Third-year political science student Yalda Mostajeran plays a jaded actress in “The Meeting.” She discusses her character’s journey from alienation to redemption.


Long Story Short streams Mondays at 27 p.m. on UCLAradio.com. Listen to the whole episode here or visit our broadcast archive.

Long Story Short – Feb. 27, 2012

“The Meeting” is a scene from the LCC Theatre Company’s winter production, “Please Stand By.” It will be performed Wednesday in Schoenberg 1200. In the scene, three individuals are on their way to a meeting when they wind up trapped in a nondescript location. There, they are haunted by memories of alienated loved ones.
Third-year political science student Yalda Mostajeran discusses her role as an actress jaded by the spotlight. What is she left with when her demons strip away her starlet guise? Hands for Africa at UCLA is inviting an amputee to discuss his adjustment to the loss of a leg. Originally scheduled for this Sunday, it will now take place within the next couple weeks. Co-president Chloe Peters shares her vision in applying the understanding gained to the needs of Sierra Leone civil war amputee victims. Then Hands for Africa founder Alton Harding discusses how prosthetics and education can restore lost hope to this region.

Long Story Short streams Mondays at 6 p.m. on” UCLAradio.com”:http://uclaradio.com/. Visit our broadcast archive or subscribe to our podcast.


Men's golf to compete in match-play championship in Long Beach

While it’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the No. 4 UCLA men’s golf team will use it to prepare for a rare situation.

Over the next two days, the Bruins will attempt to replicate the format seen in the second round of the NCAA Championship at the Del Walker Match Play Championship at Virginia Country Club in Long Beach.

In nearly all of its tournaments throughout the year, UCLA plays in a stroke-play format where players’ scores accumulate throughout the tournament, but Monday and Tuesday they will play in the match-play format.

“It’s great we’re playing this event because nationals are match play if you make it to the final phase,” said junior Pedro Figueiredo.