Out of Bounds with Daily Bruin Sports – Mar. 5, 2012

Mar. 5, 2012 “”mdash; Sports contributors Tyler Drohan and Steven Covella discuss how Sports Illustrated’s recent expose on the men’s basketball team might affect UCLA moving forward. They will also give you all of the UCLA sports updates you need in order to be in the know. Senior staffer Sam Strong makes a guest appearance.

Out of Bounds with Daily Bruin Sports airs Mondays at 6:30 p.m. on UCLAradio.com.

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Random Voices presents medley of songs at annual Winter Concert

UCLA a cappella groups Random Voices and Scattertones will be charming audiences using only their voices Tuesday night “”mdash; no musical instruments needed. The Scattertones, one of the coeducational a cappella groups, will be the opening act for Random Voices’ annual Winter Concert.

Report on UC Davis pepper-spraying incident delayed

A task force report analyzing last year’s pepper-spraying incident at UC Davis that was scheduled to be released Tuesday has been delayed, according to a statement from the UC Office of the President.

A union representing UC campus police and a police officer at the center of the pepper-spraying incident is expected to request a court order Tuesday to halt the report’s disclosure, officials said Monday.

UPDATED: Protesters rally in 'March for March' at Capitol for higher education funding

Thousands of protesters from across California gathered at the state Capitol in Sacramento Monday afternoon to rally for increased state funding for higher education.

Among the protesters were about 70 students from UCLA, including members of the Undergraduate Students Association Council, said Gilberto Soria, a UCLA representative to the University California Students Association. 

UC Student Regent Alfredo Mireles was also present at the rally throughout the day.

“The Capitol is jam-packed with students across the state enthusiastic about refunding higher education,” said Mireles, speaking on his cell phone from inside the Capitol. 

The rally, called “March in March,” was sponsored by UCSA, the California State Students Association and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges. 

During the day, protesters chanted opposition to budget cuts and declining state funding.