Swimmers treading in friendly waters at Pac-10s

Swimmers treading in friendly waters at Pac-10s Young team hopes to upend perennial favorite Stanford By A. CinQue Carter Daily Bruin Contributor UCLA will host the 1996 Pacific 10 Championships at the Belmont Plaza Olympic Pool in Long Beach, today through Saturday. Preliminaries begin at 11 a.m. each day, with finals starting at 6 p.m. […]

Climbing the ladder

Climbing the ladder Despite undefeated record, junior Eric Taino stays at No. 3 singles By Mark Shapiro Daily Bruin Contributor The season is almost halfway over, and so far junior Eric Taino has been nothing but the hottest member of the second ranked UCLA men’s tennis team. Thus far, Taino has taken his game from […]

Kilgour Cup salutes athlete’s contributions to volleyball

Kilgour Cup salutes athlete’s contributions to volleyball Bruins meet Waves to raise funds for former All-American By Ruben Gutierrez Daily Bruin Staff College students often take their health, if not their lives, for granted. Some advance into old age, or even live their entire lives convinced of their own invincibility. Sadly, events sometimes take a […]