Bruins set goals for upcoming race

Friday, November 1, 1996 CROSS COUNTRY: Sport’s unpredictability may be advantageous to UCLABy Vytas Mazeika Daily Bruin Contributor Both the men’s and women’s cross country teams will need to have great team and individual efforts this Saturday at Palo Alto. Realistically, the UCLA runners look to place third at this weekend’s Pac-10 championships. "We’re definitely […]

High hopes for Homecoming

Friday, November 1, 1996 FOOTBALL: Underdog Stanford may aid UCLA in getting back on trackBy Rob Kariakin Daily Bruin Contributor This weekend, the Bruins find themselves in a strange, but not uncomfortable, position. They are the favorites. Yes, that’s right, UCLA is actually predicted to beat somebody. And badly. At last check, the Bruins were […]

Keep athletes within the law: Zero-tolerance policy needed

Wednesday, October 30, 1996 ETHICS: Sports industry must decisively crack down on all convictsTwo weeks ago, there was a decision taken by a university official that was almost unprecedented in the world of college sports. A university president, not a coach or athletic director, imposed sanctions on the school’s football team when team members broke […]

En garde! UCLA fencers duel for bronze in tournament

Tuesday, October 29, 1996 FENCING: Bruin Michael Loh foils teammate Ian Ono at Cal Tech matchBy John Kelly Daily Bruin Contributor After Aaron Burr dueled Alexander Hamilton, he fled the United States and attempted to establish an American empire. He was acquitted of treason, but his political career was left in shambles. Andrew Jackson, a […]