Charles O’Bannon’s time to shine for the Bruins

Wednesday, November 20, 1996 BASKETBALL: Out of Ed’s shadow, Charles hopes to lead the way for UCLABy Hye Kwon Daily Bruin Staff Charles O’Bannon suffers from a malady athletes like Gerald Wilkins and Shannon Sharpe have had to endure throughout their careers. They are stars in their own right, but they invariably get compared to […]

Moving Lakers downtown has both economic and social costs

Tuesday, November 19, 1996 NBA: L.A.’s lust for a new arena will increase ticket prices, hurt Inglewood The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and the basketball arenas are always newer and nicer in the other cities. While state-of-the-art buildings like the America West Arena in Phoenix and the Rose […]

Busy weekend for Bruins ends with mixed results

Monday, November 18, 1996 WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL: Disappointing loss to the Cardinal mitigated by solid trouncing of Golden BearsBy John Kelly Daily Bruin Contributor At the intermission of Friday night’s UCLA women’s volleyball game against Stanford, the athletic department put on a serving contest for the fans. Fifteen members of the audience took their chance at […]

UCLA suffers upsets in final meets; NCAA chances slim

Monday, November 18, 1996 CROSS COUNTRY: Keflezighi is the only individual UCLA runner to qualify for NCAA championshipsBy Vytas Mazeika Daily Bruin Contributor Both the men’s and women’s cross country teams were unable to run well enough this weekend to qualify for the NCAA championships. The men, as expected, placed fourth while the women placed […]