Category Archives: A&E Spectrum
Coachella Weekend Two: Day Three
Coachella Weekend Two: Day two
Coachella Weekend Two: Day one
The Brunch Club: Farmshop
Daily Bruin Photo and Arts & Entertainment teamed up to review and photograph popular Sunday brunch locales in the Los Angeles area. This week, we feature Farmshop.
Trucking Around: Lobsta Truck
Food trucks are a vital part of the L.A. culinary scene, with many accumulating hordes of followers who aggressively pursue them around the city. This week, we feature Lobsta Truck.
2014 Beat SC’ Bonfire
Students gathered Thursday night to celebrate the rivalry between UCLA and USC for the upcoming football game. Protesters from an earlier protest on the recent tuition hikes halted the annual bonfire by not moving away from the site. No fire was lit but the performances continued.