The Quad: Reviewing UCLA’s year of big headlines and big events

With fires edging dangerously close to our campus and mischievous basketball players drawing the attention of President Donald Trump, this school year was far from lackluster. Though headlines throughout the year frequently featured the acronym “UCLA,” there is a personal underside to many of the events that reached our campus. Here are The Quad’s top […]

The Quad: Graduating UCLA students reminisce about their time in Westwood

Many students at UCLA can agree that Westwood is somewhat atypical from the usual college town. On a lucky day, one might be able to experience a run-in with Kanye West at the local Denny’s or become an eyewitness to A$AP Rocky’s late-night cookie butter pickup at Trader Joe’s. “Westwood is very much a quaint, […]

The Quad: Graduating Humans of UCLA share their stories and experiences

The class of 2018 comprises of thousands of students, ranging in areas of expertise, age and experience. Inspired by the popular photo blog “Humans of New York,” which collects photos and interviews with people throughout New York City, the Quad sought out some of the most interesting stories of graduating seniors. Robyn Kim, 22, Middle […]

The Quad: Graduating early opens doors for students willing to work hard

While the majority of nostalgic graduates may have four or more years to look back upon, a separate group have managed to graduate in less than four years. Corey Hollis, director of academic advising at UCLA College Academic Counseling, said motivations for graduating early vary from student to student. Regardless of how students choose to […]

The Quad: The long, convoluted history that entrenches the quarter system at UCLA

This week, thousands of UCLA students will finally receive the degrees they’ve been working years toward – just about a month after their counterparts at schools such as UC Berkeley and the University of Southern California, both of which utilize the semester system. A whirlwind of cliched phrases often pops up in debates surrounding the […]

Throwback Thursday: Submission written with supposedly broken typewriter stresses student unity is key

Throwback Thursdays are our chance to reflect on past events on or near campus and relate them to the present day. Each week, we showcase and analyze an old article from the Daily Bruin archives in an effort to chronicle the campus’ history. We’re all the letter “e.” That was the message a student had […]

The Quad: A millennial’s take on the impracticality of social media abstinence

During the past few weeks, Mark Zuckerberg, among other tech moguls, has been under intense scrutiny from Congress for the role social media played during the 2016 presidential election. Many political analysts argued that outside forces, from Russian troll farms to Twitter bots, dealt a large blow to the U.S. fair election system. These congressional […]