Mu Alpha Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho to host Mr. UCLA Pageant

May 12, 2010 – Beauty pageants usually conjure up images of swimsuits, evening wear, big hair and a cloud of hair spray, but this year’s Mr. UCLA Pageant changes the age-old format. With comedic competitions, including the contestants’ ideal “perfect date,” and talent demonstrations, the Mu Alpha Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. hopes to bring laughs as well as promote its goal of focusing on education and community empowerment. [4:11]

Eating Your Way Down Westwood Boulevard: Student brings low-cost, high-quality cuisine from Rome to L.A. home

May 11, 2010 – Golden arches mark the entrance to Tanino at 1043 Westwood Boulevard. At this upscale Italian restaurant, your dinner may be garlic bread for $9.50, pasta for $15 to $24, or meat and fish above $30. But you don’t have to be wealthy to savor the richness of Italian cuisine. UCLA computer science graduate student Stefano Emiliozzi shows us how to make pasta “par carbonara” and dine as the Romans do. [5:10]

Famous martial arts instructor Billy Blanks brings the Tae Bo Fitness Challenge to the John Wooden Center, reflects on his successes

May 10, 2010 – Billy Blanks is the creator, motivator and instructor of Tae Bo, a fitness program that combines martial arts, dance and music. During the Tae Bo Fitness Challenge, Blanks led three sessions of his fitness program at the John Wooden Center on Saturday and two on Sunday. Blanks talks about his childhood medical problems and how they were a part of his path to success in the world of martial arts and beyond. [2:49]

Artist Chaz Bojorquez reveals graffiti’s deeper layers that embody history, culture and community

May 7, 2010 – Chaz Bojorquez’s talk “Philosophy of Lettering” takes place at the Hammer Museum at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 8. He studied ceramics at Chouinard Art Institute (today known as California Institute of Arts), and then mixed East L.A. Mexican American graffiti fashion with Asian calligraphy to form his unique style. Daily Bruin Radio met Bojorquez at his home, where he described how graffiti is a way to make your culture and community be seen, understood and remembered. [5:12]

Jonathan Dove’s music takes “Flight” in an airport terminal

April 30, 2010 – The music of Jonathan Dove’s opera “Flight” takes the audience into a land of an imaginative landscape. The orchestra provides dramatic rhythms and avant-garde minimalist harmonies. In doing so, the orchestra supports the grounded passengers at an airport terminal by guiding them through the crossroads of their lives. [2:57]

Illusion to reality: Jacqueline Hoang’s adaptation of John Keats’ “Lamia” poem took center stage this past weekend

April 26, 2010 – What happens when a poem becomes a play? Senior English student Jacqueline Hoang completed her honors thesis project by writing, directing and producing a play based off of John Keats’ poem “Lamia.” It was performed in Santa Monica this past weekend. Learn how the characters interact with each other and with the audience through movement, mind and emotions [4:37].