Professor Gerald Kominski breaks down Obamacare and Romneycare for college students

Long Story Story Short host Taylor Erickson talked to Dr. Gerald Kominski, a professor of Health Policy and Management and the Director of UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research. This week, Kominski explains what the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) means for college students, and how it may be quite similar to Romney’s proposed healthcare plan.

Check out the full episode of Long Story Short here

A novel is worth 50,000 words: UCLA writers share ideas and expectations for National Novel Writing Month

November holds many traditions – Election Day, Veterans Day, Turkey Day – but did you know that November is also National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short)? Starting at midnight on November 1, writers across the nation have 30 days to write a 50,000 word novel. Long Story Short host Christyana Cabal sat in on a “write-in” for NaNoWriMo participants at UCLA. During write-in’s, writers type up their stories, share ideas, and engage in “word wars,” or challenges to see who can write the most words in 30 minutes.

Stay tuned for more on National Novel Writing Month on Long Story Short, as Christyana re-visits the UCLA writers and their novel-writing journeys later on in the month.

Listen to the full version of Long Story Short here.

UCLA booster Jim Collins talks about his history with John Wooden and the university

Over the course of the last year, UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion has been massively renovated. On Oct. 26, 2012 legendary coach John Wooden was immortalized in a bronze statue at the north entrance. This statue was made possible with a generous donation from alumni and athletics donors Jim and Carol Collins. These two have been active participants with UCLA for more than 50 years as students, volunteers and philanthropists. Together, they made a donation that helped UCLA reach its target of $136 million for the revitalization of Pauley. Both Jim and Carol respectively have donated money to build numerous things on campus such as the UCLA Collins Center for Executive Education (1987) and the UCLA Laboratory School (1998). They were at the unveiling of Wooden’s statue to share their thoughts and involvement throughout the renovation process.

For more multimedia coverage of the renovated Pauley Pavilion, visit

Game theory predicts outcome of 2012 presidential election

Game theory, a mathematical application known for its successful outcome predictions of casino card games can also be used to predict voter’s decisions in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Hear UCLA professor Micheal Chwe and graduate student Marcos Menchaca share their thoughts on the exciting race and the key factors involved to predict our possible future president.

"Keeper of the keys" Adam Gilberti plays terrifying organ tunes

Adam Gilberti is the go-to guy for maintaining and repairing instruments at the Schoenberg Music Building for UCLA’s music, musicology, and ethnomusicology departments. For this week’s Long Story Short, Gilberti plays J.S. Bach’s famous “Toccata” and “Fugue in D Minor” on one of the organs at UCLA.

Click here to listen to the rest of this week’s Long Story Short.

Students share their plans for Halloween

Taylor trick-or-treated around campus to talk to Bruins about their crazy costume ideas and expectations for All Hallows Eve. Second year Russian and global studies student Kat Belikov, biology major Kevin Nguyen, and second year psychology student Hayley Iwig share their plans.

Listen to the full version of this week’s Long Story Short here.