Ankita Nair: Graduate students need financial support from UCLA if tax bill passes

Graduate students at UCLA might have to pay taxes on money they don’t make. The United States House of Representatives passed a tax bill Nov. 16 aimed at reforming the tax code system. Among the bill’s changes is the repeal of Section 117(d)(5), a provision that allows graduate students to not pay taxes on their […]

Selby Kia: Community Programs Office should make test bank more user-friendly

Now that the turkey mania has settled and finals are on the horizon, many UCLA students will find themselves at the Community Programs Office test bank in the coming week, waiting in line and frantically trying to operate a mouse that resembles an eight ball. UCLA’s test bank, which is located in the Student Activities […]

Editorial: Village must prove commitment to cyclists by improving infrastructure

Westwood Village has a lot of new cyclists in town. Too bad there are few bike lanes for them to use. For years, residents and commuters have expressed concerns about the safety and convenience – or lack thereof – of cycling around Westwood. UCLA Transportation aimed to tackle the latter problem with the launch of […]

Clea Wurster: Title IX advisory board must educate, provide student platform

Title IX policies, which prohibit sex or gender discrimination in federally funded educational programs, are incredibly important on college campuses. But ask any student on Bruin Walk how these policies are written – or even where UCLA’s Title IX Office is – and chances are you’ll get little more than a blank stare and maybe […]

Submission: Requiring digital access codes is a financially unfair practice

As more and more course materials and textbooks transition into the digital world, students hope to find some financial relief from having to purchase expensive physical copies. On average, undergraduate students spend about $1,200 a year on textbooks and course materials. This affordability crisis is worsening as textbook prices increase annually, and students have few […]

William Bleveans: UCLA must provide subsidized internships to remedy inequity

UCLA may claim it’s committed to ensuring that its students start their careers with internship experience, but it’s fallen short in supporting students as they enter the job market. The university has failed to keep up with other institutions of comparable prestige when it comes to subsidizing internships for its students. Unlike the University of […]

Submission: GOP tax bill will make higher education, graduate research inaccessible

Graduate school is not lucrative. The starving graduate student archetype is so prevalent it has given rise to its own form of self-deprecating comedy; one need look no further than the popular online comics “Lego Grad Student” and “Piled Higher and Deeper” to see the trope played out. Despite the risk of destitution, many opt […]