Mariah Furtek: Students would benefit from course on workplace sexual harassment

When people talk about preparing for a career, they mention resumes, LinkedIn profiles and interview techniques. What they don’t talk about, though, is how to navigate the culture of sexual harassment and assault one might come across upon entering the workforce. After the recent #MeToo campaign drew attention to pervasive issues of sexual harassment and […]

Erin Nguyen: Student legal services need advertisement

We’ve all had those apartment quirks we hate. For example, I wasn’t too fond of the hundreds of bugs infesting my apartment or the burst pipe that leaked from the ceiling for the past month. Sleep deprived and unable to live comfortably in my own apartment, I had no other choice but to wait for […]

Letter to the Editor: Removing access to alcohol should not be focus in sexual assault prevention

As both an alumna of UCLA and a victim of frat party sexual assault, I read with great interest several articles this week on the alcohol ban imposed by the UCLA Interfraternity Council following the arrest of a former fraternity president for alleged sexual assault. During my tenure as the risk management chair of Kappa […]

Submission: USAC should allow Academic Affairs office to serve on Academic Senate

Last year, students plainly and decisively chose the doctrine of equity, diversity and sanctuary when they overwhelmingly voted me in as the Undergraduate Student Association Council’s Academic Affairs commissioner. Those most qualified and committed to these ideals became a part of the Academic Affairs Commission office, and it only made sense to see that doctrine […]

Abhishek Shetty: USAC’s votes on funding allocation require informed decision-making

There’s a proposal on the table to allocate $74,500. A member of the table comes forth with a suggestion: Why don’t we round that up to $100,000? As unbelievable as it sounds, this is an excerpt from a council meeting of our beyond-parody undergraduate student government. Last week, the Undergraduate Students Association Council discussed how […]

Editorial: UCLA should monitor management after slew of administrative failures

UCLA has had a rocky track record this past year: It made numerous errors when dealing with the Skirball fire and tried covering up problems in its Lab School. And it looks like the university won’t be scoring any points for holding its extension program accountable either. Last week, UCLA Extension announced major layoff plans […]

Sandra Wenceslao: UCLA must address potential hiccups in providing dining halls as study spaces

Finding study spaces at UCLA is always difficult: dorm lounges aren’t ideal for study groups because you might bother others present; private study rooms in Rieber Court and Covel Commons have to be scheduled well in advance, especially with midterms fast approaching; and libraries are typically overcrowded and present similar scheduling issues. UCLA has a […]