Chris Busco: New voting plan apt but may disenfranchise students if poorly executed

UCLA students are ready to demand action on Capitol Hill after a politically tumultuous year and a half. The midterm elections give them a perfect opportunity to do so. If they can reach the ballot box, that is. Voting at UCLA is notoriously a nightmare. In previous years, the university administration worked with the Los […]

Submission: USAC needs to rise above petty politics, put students first

What do you think of when you hear about the Undergraduate Students Association Council? Perhaps you think of the shadiness and pettiness that taint our campus elections. Or maybe you think of people being fake for votes. But that’s campus politics, not USAC. It’s petty campus politics that encourages students to do things like file […]

Sandra Wenceslao: UCLA should better publicize alternatives to DUO app in MFA process

Students now have yet another reason to be glued to their phones. UCLA recently tightened up its cybersecurity with the implementation of multifactor authentication. Signing in to MyUCLA, CCLE or any UCLA application now requires at least two forms of verification: the original password and then a mobile app push login request, a call or […]

2017-2018 USAC Officer Evaluations

Each year, the Daily Bruin evaluates each Undergraduate Students Association Council member’s term in office. This year, The Bruin’s editorial board has taken into consideration four major criteria in the evaluations: council members’ ability to come up with and accomplish meaningful platforms, how well they fulfilled their respective roles beyond their platforms, how well they […]

Avvalzameer Bhatia: Without clear plan, USAC’s proposed international student rep lacks purpose

The undergraduate student government has typically been foreign to international students. It is no secret that international students have needs that are different from those of local students. They struggle with visa issues and nonresident tuition, while trying to find jobs and internships that will accept them. They also have a difficult time adjusting to […]

Tabatha Lewis: Limiting commencement speakers to alumni shortchanges students

After four or five long years of pulling all-nighters, waking up for 8 a.m. classes and telling yourself you’ll attend office hours, you’re finally ready to enter the next phase in your life and actualize your dreams, using what you learned in college. At your commencement ceremony, a former student speaks to you about all […]

Editorial: Westwood community would benefit from proposed pedestrian-only plaza

It’s hard to think of Westwood as a pedestrian’s paradise. With cracked sidewalks, narrow streets and few places to sit down outside storefronts, the neighborhood is more of a passerby hub than a sit-down destination. That trend could be changing, however. The Westwood Village Improvement Association’s board of directors will hear a proposal Thursday to […]