Chris Busco: UCLA should vet landlords, provide resources for off-campus housing searches

UCLA, like any college, is a stressful place. Final exams, internship applications and club commitments ensure students are rigid with tension as their minds and bodies are put to the test. With so much demanded of them, university housing is a godsend to strung-out students. They don’t have to worry about shady landlords, subpar living […]

Editorial: California’s flawed ballot system complicates, hinders voting process

California has taken democracy to a new level: its ballot system not only turns residents into legislators, but it also forces them to do political gymnastics to ensure qualified candidates make it to general elections. Last month’s primary elections were proof enough: Californians were effectively asked to pass five laws and split their votes between […]

Sam Smoot: GOP’s weaponization of Supreme Court will hurt everyday Americans

With a trade war on the horizon and thousands of immigrant children still separated from their families, it’s easy to miss the climax of what is being called one of the most influential labor cases of the last half-century. It’s even easier to miss its troubling political undertones. The Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling […]

William Bleveans: Students’ gender-specific subletting advertisements violate fair housing acts

Although Facebook, Inc., has received its fair share of scrutiny recently, the behavior of UCLA students on the platform demands attention as well. Around the end of every school year, dozens of UCLA students post in a Facebook page titled “UCLA Sublets/Apartments” to sublease their apartments to their peers staying in Westwood for the summer. […]

Editorial: Student Title IX board should guide how UC reacts to harassment allegations

The dean of a top-10 law school. A University of California regent. And more than 130 faculty and employees. The University of California’s list of sexual predators is frighteningly extensive. Francisco Ayala, an acclaimed geneticist at UC Irvine, joined the list in late June after a Title IX investigation found he had sexually harassed four […]

Clea Wurster: LA shouldn’t let river revitalization project fall prey to gentrification

As summer nears, the Los Angeles River Revitalization project is making quite the splash – monopolizing news coverage and maybe even hiking up Angelenos’ home prices. The LA River Revitalization project is concentrated in one area, called the G2 parcel, which the city purchased in 2016. The G2 parcel covers an 11-mile strip of the […]