USAC is pursuing another pointless project with revival of Spotted on Bruin Walk

You know it’s a problem when your elected officials are scrounging for ways to make themselves relevant. Especially when it involves creating anonymous forums. An anonymous forum, it turns out, might just become the calling card for UCLA’s undergraduate student government. The Campus Events Commission is reviving Spotted on Bruin Walk, an online platform developed […]

Editorial: UC challenges costly research publishing methods, fights for open access

The University of California’s motto may be “Fiat Lux”, but administrators have rallied behind a different line: Let there be knowledge. California’s premier research university system has been brawling since last year with Elsevier, a publishing giant, over open access to the company’s many journals. Research institutes rely heavily on journals to share findings and […]

Grade inflation: UCLA needs to address the problem hidden in plain sight

It seems the persistent war of words between North and South Campus students may point to a fundamental problem in UCLA’s grading policies. Conventional wisdom holds that students seeking easy classes should enroll in the social sciences and humanities, which supposedly grant A’s at a much higher proportion than classes in the sciences. The supposed […]

In the Know: The “gravely disabled”

Transcript Keshav Tadimeti: From the Daily Bruin, I’m Keshav Tadimeti, and this is “In the Know.” [music plays] This time on the podcast, we revisit a moving story from fall quarter: a piece about Westwood’s homeless population – specifically those who need medical help but don’t want it. Fall quarter is over and winter break […]

Submission: Lawsuit against the UC is about advocating for data transparency

A few weeks ago, the Asian American Community Services Center and I filed a petition in state court, seeking an order that the University of California disclose anonymized data on undergraduate applicants and students at the University’s nine undergraduate campuses, starting with the admissions cycle of 2007 and continuing to the present. The UC Office […]

UC must prioritize modern values when naming buildings after historical figures

Benefactors may be nice, but they will come back to haunt you. Or at least their political ambitions will. The University of California, Berkeley, School of Law was recently trapped in controversy when it announced its intention to eliminate the name “Boalt” from a building, several alumni groups and about 120 other university institutions. John […]