Op-ed: Scooters on campus pose a threat to the safety of UCLA’s campus

Scooters are menaces on our campus that cause injuries to innocent people. The injuries can even get as bad as a broken hip. In fact, that has already happened at UCLA. On Sept. 24, at about 11:15 a.m., Juming Zhao, a consultant to universities in China, was walking on Charles E. Young Drive South, crossing […]

UCLA Dining Services fails students with insufficient gluten-free considerations

When family weekend finally rolled around during my first quarter at UCLA, I was most excited to show off the amazing food on the Hill. Then again, I hadn’t considered my dad, who has celiac disease, would be poisoned within the first five minutes of eating in a dining hall. Celiac disease and gluten intolerance […]

UCLA must establish multilingual writing center to support diverse student body

Is a school really committed to student-body diversity if it does not support diverse languages? UCLA seems reluctant to answer that question. Though the university has an 11.8 percent international student body and boasts thousands of classes in foreign languages, it does not have a multilingual writing center where tutors can help students develop their […]

Editorial: USAC’s poor outreach results in overdependence on student attendance

Representative democracies have a simple formula: Voters cast their ballots for candidates who represent their interests. Those representatives then make decisions aligning with the interests of their constituents. UCLA’s undergraduate student government seems intent on different calculus: Voters decide everything. This year’s Undergraduate Students Association Council has hardly been up to the task of making […]

UC engaged in necessary fight for open access to research-based knowledge

Academic research is about the spread of knowledge. For publishing companies, it’s about how many more millions of dollars they can pad their profit margins with. The University of California is in the midst of negotiating a new contract with academic publishing company Elsevier in the hopes of lowering unsustainable subscription costs, after their contract […]

Financial aid office lacks consistency when it comes to helping students

When you have to handle financial aid for more than 45,000 students, something is bound to go wrong. For proof of that, look to UCLA’s financial aid office – a demonstration that you can’t trust anyone. UCLA’s financial aid office shows how bureaucracy can hinder an organization’s mission. Instead of helping students navigate the difficult […]

LAUSD’s refusal to heed teachers’ concerns shows its skewed priorities

“La educación no se vende, se defiende.” Education isn’t sold, it’s defended. That was just one of the many signs teachers carried at Friday’s United Teachers Los Angeles rally in front of City Hall. UTLA has been negotiating with the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education for the past 20 months about how […]