Chloe Lew: USAC internal vice president should revamp underutilized campus spots

Most of my first friendships at UCLA were consolidated in the dorms, sprawled across Rendezvous-stained couches in the floor lounge or losing badly at pool in the recreation rooms. But when I moved off of the Hill, I quickly realized that the places I grew so fond of in the dorms my freshman year didn’t […]

Ara Shirinian: Students need a voice in commencement speaker decisions

At this year’s graduation ceremony, the class of 2015 will get the chance to learn an important lesson: In the real world, success is measured in bills, not principles. The keynote speaker for UCLA’s commencement ceremony has just been announced as Nathan Myhrvold. He is the cofounder of Intellectual Ventures, the worlds biggest “patent troll,” […]

Submission: GSA candidate Matthew FitzGerald outlines eight-point plan

The vice president of external affairs is supposed to take the charge on advocating for state and national concerns that UCLA students seek movement on. After a year of involvement in Graduate Students Association as the presidential appointee to the UCLA Drug-Free Schools Committee, I’ve developed an eight-point platform addressed below. Reconnect us with the […]

Aram Ghoogasian: Still no restitution 100 years after Armenian Genocide

If you sift through the sands of the Syrian desert today, you can still find 100-year-old bones. The Armenian Genocide began 100 years ago today. Roughly 1.5 million Armenians were sent to their graves over the course of the following eight years, creating a trauma that transcends generations. Perhaps what is most painful for people […]

Editorial: 2014-2015 Councilwide evaluation

This year’s Undergraduate Students Association Council ends its term with a concrete example of its ability to make national headlines and have a real effect on the reputation and standing of the university. Unfortunately, that effect has been anything but positive. The Rachel Beyda appointment incident – in which councilmembers questioned a Judicial Board candidate’s […]

2014-2015 USAC Officer Evaluations

Each year, the Daily Bruin evaluates each Undergraduate Students Association Council member’s term in office. This year, the Bruin’s editorial board has taken into consideration four major criteria in the evaluations: platform completion, the quality of the councilmembers’ platforms, how well they fulfilled their respective roles as mandated by the USAC bylaws and their commitment […]

Submission: Bigoted actions of USAC presidential candidate unacceptable

We can all agree Undergraduate Students Association Council has its shortcomings, but on Feb. 10 of this year, it left the greatest of stains on its legacy. Four elected councilmembers questioned a student for nearly forty minutes regarding her Jewish identity. While the incident made national headlines, one of the most vocal opponents of Rachel […]