Submission: UCLA needs to publicly condemn acts of racism

On Wednesday, April 29, multiple self-made stickers were placed on UCLA’s Afrikan Student Union’s bulletin board outside of our office in Kerckhoff 322. On the stickers was an image of a police officer with the caption above stating “Stop whining and start following the goddamn law!” Other self-made stickers with similar messages have appeared throughout […]

Shani Shahmoon: SCR 35 should not use broad definition of anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism has a broad impact on college campuses, but when it comes to defining the issue, broader is not better. In late March, Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 was introduced by several senators to approach anti-Semitism issues on University of California campuses. Last week, a hearing was held to discuss the language of the resolution, and […]

Casey Kovarik: Water conservation efforts require off-campus expansion, education

Conservation efforts affect everyone, yet efforts to make changes are limited at UCLA. UCLA set goals to reduce water use on campus by 20 percent by 2020 based on 1999 to 2001 levels. The initiatives began in 2011 and changes include landscaping and infrastructure changes, education of students on the Hill and reduction of meat […]

Editorial: Administration responsible for addressing racist stickers in time

Administrators’ response to a recent targeted attack against a campus community has been disappointingly neutral and failed to take advantage of an opportunity to address problems concerning race on campus. Last week, self-made stickers were posted on the bulletin board outside of the Afrikan Student Union and a few other spaces on campus, displaying bigoted […]

Letter to the Editor: Hypocrisy should be avoided when addressing terrorism

Dear editor, Your April 30 article reported that former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, in a campus lecture, criticized the United Nations for failing to “urgently confront terrorism after the Pan Am 103 bombing.” Indeed, the Dec. 21,1988 murder of 270 civilians was terrible and inexcusable. However, Bolton likely neglected to mention that on July 3, […]

Letter to the Editor: Bruins should debate complex issues with empathy, sensitivity

May 4, 2015 To the Daily Bruin editor: Last week, in the midst of the Baltimore protests, several inflammatory stickers appeared on campus, including two posted on the door of the Afrikan Student Union. Serious conversations about race, proper use of force, crime, constitutional policing and other issues are to be expected. Passionate, informed debate […]

Zoey Freedman: UCLA must do more to ensure students know their Title IX rights

Title IX is the University of California’s best-kept secret that everyone should know about. The UC is in the process of finalizing much-needed revisions to its sexual harassment and sexual violence policies, including requiring faculty, staff and students to receive more specialized training to recognize and understand all types of trauma and appropriately deal with […]