Maia Ferdman: Discovering ourselves through the blank page

I dread the emptiness of a blank white page and the impatience of a blinking cursor. To confront that blankness, armed with nothing but a pen or a keyboard, a mind and maybe an idea, is intimidating. And yet, it is something journalists and writers do constantly. They conquer the cursor, tell stories, weave data […]

Chris Kalra: Being bold and stepping outside familiar lines

Outside the Daily Bruin’s editor in chief office hangs a black board encased within a plastic cover. During my junior year as an assistant Sports editor, our editor in chief left two words scribbled in aqua blue up on the board: Be bold. I walked by that sign multiple times a day on my way […]

Sebastian Torrelio: Love|Hate: The Daily Bruin

I must namecheck one individual in particular who is responsible for my career at the Daily Bruin: a tall, buffoonish caricature of James Bond’s dashing looks called Aren Alexander. Alexander, a former Daily Bruin photographer, was my second-year roommate who, knowing that I loved movies far too much, forced me to apply as an intern […]

Travis Fife: LA labor unions must stop bargaining minimum wage exemption

In the race to try to help workers, Los Angeles labor unions may have tripped right before the finish line. They successfully campaigned for a $15 per hour minimum wage ordinance. But now, some unions in Los Angeles are pushing for an exemption to the ordinance for employers whose employees engage in collective bargaining to […]

Editorial: UCLA should take responsibility for natural disaster preparedness

“San Andreas” came crashing into theaters last week as a multimillion dollar PSA of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s questionable acting skills and how woefully unprepared we are for a catastrophic temblor, even on UCLA’s campus. And while the images in “San Andreas” of collapsing skyscrapers and a tsunami smashing into the Golden Gate Bridge are […]

Letter to the Editor: Objections to election process disregard Faculty Center’s bylaws

The dissatisfied UCLA Faculty Center members who approached the Daily Bruin assert that Michael Rich is entitled to a position on the ballot because he was nominated as president-elect by another member. Those members misread very clear provisions of the association’s bylaws. Article IV, section G.3.b. of the bylaws states that the Nominations and Elections […]