Arthur Wang: Arguments for and against validity of microagression need scrutiny

Microaggressions sound like no big deal, but let me tell you – the feverish discussions centering on the concept recently should be called “macroaggressive.” Microaggression theory, which first emerged in the 1970s, refers to unintended, albeit harmful, slights and comments toward another individual, usually a member of a disadvantaged group. Examples include telling a black […]

Editorial: UCLA must provide parking for growing student, faculty population

UCLA has cut the number of available student parking permits this fall by hundreds, leaving nearly 1,000 students on the waitlist hoping to be able to drive to class. Those on the waitlist – many of them transfer or nontraditional students – have resorted to frantic searches for spots in Westwood, or have had to […]

Yiwei Sun: USAC withdrawal from USSA runs risk of losing effective lobbying

Undergraduate student government External Vice President Zach Helder wants to gamble away our student fees with the worst hand at the table. Last week, Helder proposed a motion to terminate UCLA’s long-term membership in the United States Student Association, a national student-led organization that aims to help students to address issues at the local, state […]

Shani Shahmoon: Iran nuclear deal poses threat to Israel, stability in Middle East

Supporters of the Iran nuclear deal should realize what they see as a step forward for world peace might be three steps backward for stability in the Middle East. I have been sitting in an Israeli news room interning for The Jerusalem Post since early July. On a daily basis since the Iran nuclear deal […]

Zoey Freedman: Political outcry skews perception of Planned Parenthood services

Political grandstanding could cost a lot of people their access to affordable healthcare. Recently, Planned Parenthood has come under attack for misconstrued information regarding its abortion services and the handling of fetal tissue for scientific research. The controversy reached a climax a few nights ago, when nearly every single Republican national candidate declared on live […]

Julia McCarthy: Dialogues are crucial to creating consent culture in UC campuses

One of the moments I remember most vividly from my new student orientation was when a presenter asked us to raise our hands if we knew someone who had experienced sexual assault. Looking around Ackerman Grand Ballroom, well over half of the 400 or so students who surrounded me had their hands raised high. Despite […]