Casey Kovarik: Greek life should not be blamed for greater social problems

The Greek system – commonly seen as dangerous by many not within it – has become the college version of the chicken or the egg riddle: Is it the system that causes its problems, or those within it? Those who view the system as dangerous draw on statistics that say that fraternity members are three […]

Submission: Greek life valuable on campus, needs improved sexual assault prevention

Articles such as the piece posted by Aram Ghoogasian in the Aug. 31 issue of the Daily Bruin – “Gender divisions in Greek life promote sexism, should be banned” – provide a very useful service to our campus community by giving us the opportunity to think seriously about issues that are salient not only throughout […]

Aram Ghoogasian: Gender divisions in Greek life promote sexism, should be banned

The state of fraternity houses reflects the condition of fraternity culture: virulent and reeking of vomit. A fraternity at Old Dominion University became the latest in a long line of such organizations to garner national attention for a reprehensible act. Fortunately, sexual assault was not involved in this case, but female students and their mothers […]

Israel consul general talks “the nightmare scenario” of the Iran deal

Congress is scheduled to vote on a resolution to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal in September. The deal, struck between the United States, Iran and five other world powers, would lift American sanctions on Iran in exchange for the de-escalation of their nuclear program and increased transparency. Critics argue that the deal is ineffective because Iran will still […]

Arthur Wang: Chinese nationals and Americans do not share views on Asian supremacy

A Chinese national studying law in the United States recently wrote an essay about affirmative action that was published on Foreign Affairs, bombastically titled “I’m Chinese, and I Know Why There Aren’t More Asians in the Ivy League.” I thought this was a little weird. Why would a Chinese national write about a domestic policy […]

Arthur Wang: Policy, history aid in Asian American success, not cultural values

“UCLA stands for UC Lots of Asians.” I’m sure you have heard that one before. Asians are everywhere at UCLA – 34 percent of undergraduates, to be exact. Around 15 percent of the Ivy League students is Asian, even as that number is 4.8 percent nationally. Those are facts. But what everyone wants to know […]

Ara Shirinian: UC should focus on awareness, prevention of sexual assault

The first step in social progress is the most fundamental but often the most difficult: making people understand the problem. The issue of sexual assault on college campuses highlights this difficulty. A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, showed that almost half of the women who experienced rape according to the study’s definition […]