Since her 2008 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton’s served as Secretary of State, published a memoir and found herself embroiled in a scandal involving her personal e-mail. But don’t worry – all those accomplishments haven’t stopped the media from focusing on the most important thing: What’s she wearing? In her 2008 campaign, the media initially covered […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Editorial Cartoon: Priorities
Zoey Freedman: Stigmas surrounding women’s health care should not inhibit discussion
It’s kind of funny how angry people get over the thought of subsidized tampons. But sometimes, it’s just sad. Through personal day-to-day experiences, my internship with Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and the reactions to my blogs about feminine health care and equality this summer, I have definitely learned that the topic of feminine health care […]
Arthur Wang: Asian American stereotypes expose ongoing discrimination
Have Asian Americans “made it” in the United States, miraculously overcoming discrimination in the course of a few generations to become the most “successful” minority group in the country? I’ve been tackling and attempting to add nuance to oversimplifications like these during the course of the last few weeks. The answer to the question is […]
Ara Shirinian: Government must regulate technology market to ensure social progress
If you are reading this, chances are you’re viewing it online through a smartphone, tablet, or computer (or watch). No big deal. Except that it is. Consumer technology has brought more change in the last decade than it did in the century that preceded it. Yet, it’s something we almost always take for granted. I […]
Yiwei Sun: Being a ‘bad feminist’ embraces both equality, individuality
At UCLA, I always have no clue how to answer questions about my feminist inclinations. My answer could be “Yes! I am a feminist!” because I believe women deserve the same rights as men, but at the same time “No” as I read Vogue and cry when watching a melodrama. A more fitting answer would […]
Are college rankings fair?
Join Opinion columnists Arthur Wang and Aram Ghoogasian as they discuss the criteria used to determine college rankings.