Editor’s note: The author of this submission has been left anonymous to protect their safety and privacy. I am a UCLA Bruin. I cheer my lungs out at the Rose Bowl, sit next to you in lecture halls, lift weights at the John Wooden Center and take naps in Powell Library. I’m just like any […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Shani Shahmoon: Peer support network would alleviate demand for counseling services
The transition into college is difficult for most, if not all, students. It can be harder though when you have no one to talk to. UCLA’s Counseling and Psychological Services is the main resource students have in respect to mental health services. Students who already have mental health issues can use CAPS as a way […]
Editorial: BruinAlert underutilized, ineffective when students need it most
BruinAlert, the warning system designed by the university to text or email students with warnings about potentially dangerous situations near campus is everything but the safety assurance program it’s supposed to be. In fact, it seems as if most students interact with BruinAlert in just one way: receiving test emails or texts. UCLA needs to […]
Casey Kovarik: LA should utilize UCLA’s resources to improve environmental standards
When compared to the city in which it resides, UCLA is a heaven for environmentally friendly construction. But with a little bit of collaboration we can use the knowledge from one of the best research universities in the world to help improve its community as well. Researchers from the California Center for Sustainable Communities at […]
No Offense, But: Greek life
Welcome to the debut episode of “No Offense, But,” the Daily Bruin’s Opinion podcast. Radio Director Chris Campbell is joined by Opinion columnists Aram Ghoogasian and Casey Kovarik to discuss how to best address sexual assault in Greek institutions. While Kovarik believes that this issue is best addressed by cultural changes within the institutions, Ghoogasian […]
Yiwei Sun: Class enrollment system should better account for substitute credit
Since summer, I have made phone calls, written emails and frequently commuted from my apartment to campus trying to enroll in Life Sciences 2: “Cells, Tissues, and Organs.” Signing up for a class shouldn’t be this difficult. The cause is entirely procedural. At UCLA, many students like me have units earned outside – including from […]
Submission: Community would benefit from understanding late alum’s political views
Last week has seen the abrupt departure of one of Israel’s most famous Bruins, Moti (Mordechai) Kirschenbaum. The day before he died was his 76th birthday, which he celebrated with the viewers of his 7 p.m. daily show. Immediately after his death, Israeli social networks were filled with laudatory statements and expressions of grief by […]