Letter to the Editor: AP, IB credit fosters fair class grouping for under-resourced schools

The Daily Bruin article “AP, IB credit no longer to be factored in enrollment priority at UCLA,” published on Oct. 26, 2015, has prompted many questions that are important to address.     While UCLA will no longer consider AP or IB credit to determine enrollment appointments, AP or IB courses will continue to be […]

Yiwei Sun: UCLA should increase transparency, student feedback in policymaking

When I read that AP and IB units are no longer eligible enrollment units, I was surprised at how fast the policy is going to effectuate and worried if I could still enroll in the classes I planned for the winter quarter. UCLA announced that all credits evaluated from AP or IB courses, university preparatory […]

Aram Ghoogasian: State Department’s anti-Semitism definition stifles free speech

A country over 7,500 miles away is once again making waves at the University of California. Even after a resolution calling on the UC to divest from companies doing business in occupied Palestine has come and gone, Israel has managed to remain at the center of campus discourse. Some of the UC Regents graced our […]

Shani Shahmoon: Assumed loyalty to Israel marginalizes Jewish student activists

No one is just one thing. While our identities define our perspectives, they don’t limit our interests. The meeting this past Monday, the University of California Statement of Principles Against Intolerance public forum, was an attempt by Avi Oved, UC Student Regent and a Jew, to draw attention to ongoing discrimination on UC campuses, but […]