Dear editorial staff, What a wonderful editorial about the need for the University of California administration to respect its lecturers and to be transparent about negotiations. Lecturers are as important to the teaching mission of the UC as are Academic Senate faculty, and they should have equivalent pay and benefits. One shameful practice that the […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Julia McCarthy: Students should be more involved in local elections
What were you doing on Nov. 3? I’m going to take a wild guess and say you were not in a voting booth casting a vote for the local Los Angeles County elections. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in your inaction. According to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk website, in Los Angeles County, […]
Editorial Cartoon: Guns vs. hippos
Guns vs. hippos
Ara Shirinian: City needs to reduce parking fines, revamp street-cleaning procedures
I get it, the street needs to be cleaned. What I don’t get is why I need a $70 ticket on days when a street-cleaning vehicle is nowhere in sight, apparently replaced with an army of parking officers. Thankfully, the Los Angeles Parking Reform Working Group – tasked by Mayor Eric Garcetti with finding solutions […]
Editorial: CSO needs to extend late-night hours
At UCLA, students rely on resources such as BruinAlert and Community Service Officers to inform and ensure their security, but, as of late, both have been ineffective. In theory, CSO’s evening van and walking escort services ensure students are safe returning to their dorms or apartments late at night through Westwood, but the two services […]
No Offense, But: College Applications
The Daily Bruin’s Opinion podcast is back! As the temperature drops and leaves turn red and fall from the trees, that special time of the year comes once more: college application season. Opinion columnists Chris Campbell, Ara Shirinian, Arthur Wang and Liberty Feliciano dive into the world of the University of California college application. Should […]
Submission: Israeli soldier-led seminars mask history of violence against Palestinians
Imagine, for a moment, a seminar convened by some innocuously named student group: Bruins for Saving the Planet, or some-such. Imagine that at the front of the hall, speaking as guests and experts, are the CEOs of Exxon, BP and Chevron. Imagine that they give exactly the lecture one would expect: blithely dismissing the academic […]