Casey Kovarik: UC Merced expansion prioritizes construction over student services

With enrollment increasing over the next five years, students at the University of California are about to learn, painfully, that hindsight really is 20-20. Recently, UC Merced received full approval from the UC Regents to nearly double the campus’ capacity by 2020. The budget for the Merced 2020 Project in the action item submitted to […]

Editorial: UCSD must not cut all student media funding because of one magazine

The University of California, San Diego has a vibrant alternative student media. The roster is expansive, and includes undergraduate research journals, fashion magazines and competing humor magazines. But now, in an effort to silence one of the list’s more vulgar components, the school has threatened to topple the entire enterprise. The Associated Students council, UCSD’s […]

Letter to the Editor: Bruin columnist oversimplifies group’s stance on Armenian genocide

At no instance during its existence has the Olive Tree Initiative, as an organization, denied the 1915 Armenian genocide. As an Armenian myself, this organization expanded my knowledge of the real consequences of the Armenian genocide. Thus, I am deeply disturbed by the recent article by Aram Ghoogasian on Nov. 24 regarding OTI – an […]

Submission: GSA member resigns over duplicitous neutrality policy

In April 2015, I enthusiastically accepted a position as Melnitz Movies co-director, before being appointed as director at beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year. Even though I had enrolled in UCLA to become a film scholar, I could not resist the lure of film programming and curating central to directing Melnitz Movies. Serving as Melnitz […]

Submission: Night market shows lack of Taiwanese representation

When I first received a Facebook invitation to the “first-ever night market”, sponsored by USAC’s General Representative 2, I was taken aback. Why and how had I not heard about this before? After all, I serve as the public relations director for the Taiwanese American Social Change Initiative and am a highly engaged and involved […]

Editorial: ASUCLA should set up pilot prayer space for more permanent solution

Some problems are so easy to fix that there’s almost no excuse for their existence. The lack of a nondiscriminatory prayer and meditation space at UCLA is one of these problems. For years, it seemed as if the prayer space has been used as a political promise by Undergraduate Students Association Council candidates of all […]