Submission: MSA engages in identity politics with San Bernardino solidarity rally

On Thursday the Muslim Student Association, or MSA, at UCLA held a “Solidarity Rally” in response to a horrific mass shooting on Wednesday that left 14 dead and at least 21 wounded in San Bernardino, California. However, the purpose of this rally was not to commemorate the victims. Instead, the rally – which took place […]

Editorial: San Bernardino shooting should not prompt anti-Muslim hate

After the shooting that left 14 dead in San Bernardino, California last week, the nation is searching for a way to heal. Some have held vigils. Others have offered prayers. Yet for a significant number of people, healing has taken the form of hate. To many, the shooting has come to represent the dangers of […]

Arthur Wang: College football relies on unpaid labor of black athletes

As the UCLA Bruin football team gears up for the next football game against Nebraska on Dec. 26, I have some concerns as a newfound spectator of the sport. For one, when Washington State snatched away a seemingly assured UCLA victory last month thanks to a last-second touchdown pass by their quarterback, Luke Falk, I […]

Submission: Muslim students should take increased safety precautions

Peace Be Upon You All, Within the past month, there has been a sharp rise in attacks toward Muslims or individuals perceived to be Muslim across the nation, some of which have happened on our very own campus. We observe patterns of tragic attacks stemming from ignorance or hatred not only on our UCLA campus, […]

Submission: GSA president not deserving of slander from funding controversy

Bullying should have no sanction. Not on our campus and not in our paper. Nonetheless, over the past month, Graduate Students Association President Milan Chatterjee has been unjustly attacked, bullied and slandered in the pages of the Daily Bruin and on UCLA Listservs. Chatterjee’s actions in providing funding for the Diversity Caucus’ town hall have […]

Submission: USAC bylaw changes allow for better representation of student body

Each year, through democratic elections, thousands of UCLA students choose leaders whom they trust to better our campus and improve the Bruin experience. According to our constitution, the Undergraduate Students Association Council was established to “fairly represent student interest, needs, and welfare,” and “promote the general educational welfare” among other laudable goals. One tool that […]