Later this month, the University of California Board of Regents will vote on whether to create a new student adviser position. The adviser would represent student interests in UC committees the current student regent and student regent-designate don’t participate in. At face value, the regents’ consideration of admitting another student into their ranks seems like […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Editorial Cartoon: The kids are not alright
The kids are not alright
Aram Ghoogasian: UC’s divestment from private prisons will increase awareness of issue
Christmas came early for student activists last month after the University of California divested from private prisons. The UC quietly sold off its $25 million holdings in the Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group, Inc., the two biggest for-profit prison companies in the United States, and G4S, the largest security company in the world […]
No Offense, But: Gun Control
President Obama announced Tuesday an executive order instituting “common sense” gun control measures in several federal agencies, including increasing agencies’ abilities to process background checks and conducting gun research. Conservatives have already begun accusing Obama of violating the Second Amendment and overextending his executive power. This week, opinion columnists Ara Shirinian and Chris Campbell talk […]
Yiwei Sun: UC online course program should enhance variety, integration
Online courses are normally popular due to the flexibility they entail. However, courses provided through the University of California Cross-Campus Enrollment still have a long way to go in terms of attracting more students. UC Cross-Campus Enrollment was launched November 2013 by the UC Office of the President, and now offers 29 coursesfor winter 2016. […]
Editorial Cartoon: So much for El Niño
So much for El Niño
Shani Shahmoon: Sponsored trips to Israel should not be overly politicized
Trips to Israel are always made out to mean more than they do. Just this past winter break, countless trips to Israel were provided for college students. Project Interchange, Hasbara Fellowship, Bruin Birthright, ADL’s Campus Leaders Mission to Israel and iEngage with the Shalom Hartman Institute are only some of the many partially to fully […]